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alterable ne demek?

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İngilizce - Türkçe

alterable anlamı
1) değişebilir
2) değişir
3) değiştirilebilir

"alterable" için örnek kullanımlar

And yet the past, though of its nature alterable, never had been altered.
Ve henüz geçmiş, alterable doğası rağmen, değişmiş hiç olmamıştı.
Kaynak: forextv.com
If depression is the result of a negative belief system, then it is alterable.
Depresyon bir negatif inanç sisteminin sonucu ise, o zaman değiştirilebilir olduğunu.
Kaynak: prohealth.com
The Constitution is either a superior paramount law, unchangeable by ordinary means, or it is on a level with ordinary legislative acts, and, like other acts, is alterable when the legislature shall please to alter it.
Anayasa ya sıradan yollarla değiştirilemez üstün bir şeyden yasa, ya da olağan yasama ile bir düzeyde olduğunu ve diğer eylemler gibi, yasama bunu değiştirmek için lütfen olacaktır zaman değişebilir olduğunu.
Kaynak: beaufortobserver.net
interface (UI) which adapts, that is changes, its layout and elements to the needs of the user or context and is similarly alterable by each user
Kaynak: Adaptive user interface
Specifically, they argued that the provision in the source Jefferson College Charter reading "shall not be altered or alterable by any
Kaynak: Pennsylvania College Cases
The POS system records are generally not alterable by the operator and are used as the basis of tax assessments and audits by tax
Kaynak: Automated sales suppression device
(This security feature is alterable by re-compiling the source code for the command with a different configuration option, and thus is not
Kaynak: Chsh
he considers Sharia alterable depending on the society, time and place, one of the evidence to support that is the Quran verses
Kaynak: Ahmed Al-Gubbanchi
Bloom classified alterable variables that may have, in combination, a 2 sigma effect as the following "objects of change process":
Kaynak: Bloom's 2 Sigma Problem
Historically, alterable objects of art have existed since the Renaissance , for example, in the Triptych "The Garden of Earthly Delights
Kaynak: Modular art
Once established, thess abnormal behaviours in birds are often not alterable. When social interactions amongst birds are absent or inadequate
Kaynak: Abnormal behaviour of birds in captivity
40h-41h | word | DOS version to return (DOS 4 and later, alterable via SETVER in DOS 5 and later) | 42h-4Fh | 14 bytes | Reserved |
Kaynak: Program Segment Prefix
These feelings are shortest in duration, extended and localizable with reference to the lived-body, and are the most readily alterable and
Kaynak: Stratification of emotional life (Scheler)
last Wegener | first H.A.R. | coauthors et al | title The variable threshold transistor, a new electrically-alterable, non-destructive
Kaynak: Charge trap flash
The discretion was pre-eminently theirs, alterable only on the grounds mentioned above. The appeal was accordingly dismissed.
Kaynak: S v Rabie
During the era when the Constitution was written, it was understood that common law was alterable by legislatures. For example, Alexander
Kaynak: Federal common law
The amendments thus effectively "entrenched" the social contract, making the contract alterable only with the agreement of the Conference
Kaynak: Conference of Rulers
The garden and the Habitable Sculpture are linked together by glass openings with their own alterable degrees of varied apertures.
Kaynak: Karl Jaeger (OFP)
itself alterable (C–D–E–E, F or F, G–A–B–B). This collection lends itself to symmetrical harmonic formations and melodic contours which,
Kaynak: John Verrall
The major pozzolanically active component of volcanic pumice s and ashes is a highly porous glass The easily alterable , or highly
Kaynak: Pozzolana

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