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alteration ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

alteration anlamı
1) değişiklik
2) değiştirme
3) değişim
4) tadilat
5) değişme
6) başkalaşma

"alteration" için örnek kullanımlar

Chris Brown also had an alteration on Wednesday night while in Los Angeles.
Chris Brown, aynı zamanda Los Angeles ise Çarşamba gecesi bir değişiklik vardı.
Kaynak: ibtimes.com
One is an alteration to the rule regarding blocks below the waist.
Bir bel altında bloklarla ilgili kuralın bir değişiklik olduğunu.
Kaynak: usatoday.com
The interim site alteration permit will be good through Sept. 4.
Geçici sitesi alterasyon izni 4 Eylül aracılığıyla iyi olacak.
Kaynak: durhamregion.com
But by making this alteration, the first day of school would be moved up to Aug. 15.
Ama bu değişiklik yaparak, okulun ilk günü 15 Ağustos kadar hareket olacaktır.
Kaynak: exponent-telegram.com
In music , an altered chord, an example of alteration , is a chord with one or more diatonic notes replaced by, or altered to, a
Kaynak: Altered chord
Metasomatism is the chemical alteration of a rock by hydrothermal and other fluids. Metasomatism can occur via the action of
Kaynak: Metasomatism
"distortion, alteration") is an Arabic term used by Muslim s for the alterations which Islam ic tradition claims Jews and Christians
Kaynak: Tahrif
Object runtime alteration: A type or object system can typically be modified during runtime in a dynamic language. This can mean generating
Kaynak: Dynamic programming language
Propylitic alteration is the chemical alteration of a rock , caused by iron and magnesium bearing hydrothermal fluids, altering biotite
Kaynak: Propylitic alteration
Argillic alteration is hydrothermal alteration of wall rock which introduces clay mineral s including kaolinite , smectite and illite .
Kaynak: Argillic alteration
In music, alteration is the use of a neighboring pitch in the chromatic scale in place of its diatonic neighbor. Alteration may also
Kaynak: Alteration (disambiguation)
Sericitic alteration is the process which causes the rock to be converted to the mineral sericite , which is a fine white mica .
Kaynak: Sericitic alteration
Body modification (or body alteration) is the deliberate altering of the human anatomy or phenotype It is often done for aesthetics,
Kaynak: Body modification
The Conodont Alteration Index (CAI) is used to estimate the maximum temperature reached by a sedimentary rock using thermal alteration of
Kaynak: Conodont Alteration Index
Charge-induced voltage alteration (CIVA) is a technique which uses a scanning electron microscope to locate open conductors on CMOS
Kaynak: Charge-induced voltage alteration

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