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amazement ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

amazement anlamı
1) şaşkınlık
2) hayret

"amazement" için örnek kullanımlar

"My thoughts after checking it out, for me at least, was amazement," he said.
"Benim düşüncelerim en azından hayretle oldu benim için, o dışarı kontrol ettikten sonra," dedi.
Kaynak: trenton-grosseile.patch.com
No, I think that a lot of senators are watching tonight in amazement.
Hayır, ben senatörler bir sürü gece hayretle izliyor olduğunu düşünüyorum.
Kaynak: foxnews.com
"Each group must have gazed at the other in bewildered amazement."
"Her grup şaşkın hayretle diğer dikti olmalı."
Kaynak: npr.org
The USA is just sitting back in utter amazement how Hungary is destroying itself.
ABD sadece Macaristan'ın kendisi yok ne mutlak şaşkınlık içinde geri oturuyor.
Kaynak: politics.hu
is an exclamation of surprise, amazement, or dismay. As a distinctive but inoffensive exclamation, it has been widely used as a
Kaynak: Great Scott
Gigolos has been met with critical confusion regarding the legality of the activities it portrays and amazement that women would consent to
Kaynak: Gigolos
driver gaining an advantage, and staying "neck and neck" until they are both overtaken (to their amazement) by a kid in "a hopped-up Model A".
Kaynak: Hot Rod Lincoln
And oil flowed out, to the amazement of all. Upon returning from the Council, Achillius is reputed to have "cast down many pagan temples,
Kaynak: Achillius of Larissa
in trying to come to terms with his rather dubious claim to fame, and the staff's utter amazement at the bizarre stories they must deal with.
Kaynak: Ringmaster (film)
At one point one of the dancers stabbed the other to the shock and amazement of the crowd. The blood that flowed and the subsequent
Kaynak: Pyrrhichios (dance)
is still used by Irish people to indicate mock amazement. Category:1965 television series debuts Category:1981 television series endings
Kaynak: Quicksilver (Irish TV show)
It has been a source of amazement to agriculturalists, botanists, and naturalists around the world, including John James Audubon and David
Kaynak: Redland, Florida
hitting the ground, they would then sing to this beat and a group of onlookers would follow and watch in amazement and entertain themselves.
Kaynak: Lan Caihe
point in each segment being obscured by the specific animation style, though the characters themselves express amazement over what they see.
Kaynak: Reincarnation (Futurama)
Frank promptly failed the 11 plus, to his teacher's amazement. He excelled at the less academic school he attended. He disliked school and
Kaynak: Michael Langdon
The tramway was some sixty feet long, had a grade of one inch and a half to the yard, and up it, to the amazement of the spectators, one
Kaynak: Leiper Railroad

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