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apetalous anlamı
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"apetalous" için örnek kullanımlar

This plant differs from all other genera of the former Primulaceae in having apetalous flower s with a pink, petaloid calyx .
Kaynak: Glaux
They have monoecious , apetalous flowers and fleshy fruits with hard centers. Distribution: Image:Omphalea distribution Madagascar.
Kaynak: Omphalea
The genus is hermaphroditic , having apetalous perfect flower s which are mostly wind-pollinated, although bees do visit them.
Kaynak: Elm
term apetalous | content apetalous defn Without petals. term apex | content apex defn (plural apices) The tip; the point furthest from the
Kaynak: Glossary of botanical terms
This subgenus is the only completely apetalous taxon in the tribe Poranthereae. Vorontsova and Hoffmann did not recognize Zimmermannia
Kaynak: Meineckia
The perfect apetalous wind-pollinated flowers appear in March in England. Pests and diseases: Heybroek found the tree provided 'relatively
Kaynak: Ulmus laciniata var. nikkoensis
The leaves were similar to 'Vegeta' in shape and texture but much larger, up to 18 cm 7 inches long The tightly-clustered, apetalous
Kaynak: Ulmus 'Wentworthii'
The perfect , apetalous wind-pollinated flowers appear in early March, followed by the seeds in April; flowering usually begins when the
Kaynak: Ulmus 'Sapporo Autumn Gold'
The perfect , apetalous wind-pollinated flowers appear in early March. The tree's ultimate height should be approximately 20 m, with a
Kaynak: Ulmus 'Homestead'
The perfect , apetalous wind-pollinated flowers appear in mid March in the UK. The sessile samara e are round, and range from 17 mm to
Kaynak: Ulmus 'Plinio'
The perfect , wind-pollinated apetalous flowers emerge in early March. Image: RN Ulmus Regal leaves. jpg | Leaves Image: RN Ulmus Regal
Kaynak: Ulmus 'Regal'
The perfect wind-pollinated apetalous flowers are produced on second-year shoots in March - April; the samarae are elliptic, Ware, G. (
Kaynak: Ulmus glaucescens
html date November 2012 | bot Legobot The tightly-clustered apetalous flowers are bright red, and appear in early spring. The samarae
Kaynak: Ulmus × hollandica 'Vegeta' (Huntingdon Elm)
The reddish apetalous wind-pollinated flowers occur in clusters of between 15 and 20 on very short pedicel s. The samarae rarely ripened
Kaynak: Ulmus minor subsp. angustifolia
The perfect , apetalous wind-pollinated flowers appear in March. Flowering usually begins when the tree is aged six years. Growth is
Kaynak: Ulmus 'Patriot'
The flowers are small and apetalous (no petals), but have numerous long stamen s, often brightly white, yellow, pink or pale purple, and
Kaynak: Thalictrum
Elm, which are rough and broad The apetalous perfect wind-pollinated flowers, and fruit (samara e) are very similar to those of the species.
Kaynak: Ulmus minor subsp. minor
Similar species : The apetalous form of Stellaria media , var. apetala Gaudin , and S. pallida are superficially similar and are easily
Kaynak: Stellaria pallida
The perfect , apetalous , wind-pollinated flowers are produced before the leaves in early spring, usually in clusters of 10–20.
Kaynak: Ulmus rubra

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