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apex ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

apex anlamı
1) tepe
2) doruk
3) zirve
4) uç

"apex" için örnek kullanımlar

We're moving to Apex in the spring and are looking for a good preschool.
Biz ilkbaharda Apex gidiyoruz ve iyi bir okul öncesi arıyoruz.
Kaynak: wral.com
Dennis McCoy of Apex has spent decades showing, breeding and boarding dogs.
Apex Dennis McCoy gösteren damızlık ve köpekler yatılı yıl geçirdim.
Kaynak: wral.com
PlayStation 4 will support Nvidia's PhysX and APEX technologies.
PlayStation 4 Nvidia'nın PhysX ve APEX teknolojilerini destekleyecek.
Kaynak: inrumor.com
NVIDIA has announced that PhysX and APEX support will be available for the PlayStation 4.
NVIDIA PhysX ve APEX desteği PlayStation 4 için kullanılabilir olacağını duyurdu.
Kaynak: latinospost.com
In geometry , an apex (Latin for 'summit, peak, tip, top, extreme end) is the vertex which is in some sense the highest of the figure to
Kaynak: Apex (geometry)
From the protoconch, which forms the apex of the spire , the coils or whorls of the shell gradually increase in size. Normally the whorls
Kaynak: Gastropod shell
(Latin basis; support or foundation), whereas the end furthest from the attachment is referred to as the apical end (Latin apex; peak, tip).
Kaynak: Anatomical terms of location
Acute: pointed, having a short sharp apex angled less than 90° Aristate (aristata): Ending in a stiff, bristle-like point. Asymmetrical: With
Kaynak: Leaf shape
Apex including Apexstores. com, the Apex Tire & Service Center, Apex At Home and apex advantage make up the retail division of the Apex
Kaynak: Apex Stores
In graph theory , a branch of mathematics, an apex graph is a graph that can be made planar by the removal of a single vertex.
Kaynak: Apex graph
The apex of the heart is the lowest superficial part of the heart . It is directed downward, forward, and to the left, and is overlapped by
Kaynak: Apex of the heart
term apex | content apex / apical area 1 The anterior corner of the wing. term aphidophagy | content aphidophagy 1 feeding on aphids (and
Kaynak: Glossary of entomology terms

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