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arrack ne demek?

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İngilizce - Türkçe

arrack anlamı
1) rakı

"arrack" için örnek kullanımlar

A spirit known as Batavia arrack was very popular during the 18th and 19th centuries as an ingredient in punches.
Batavia rakı olarak bilinen bir ruhu yumruklar bir madde olarak 18. ve 19. yüzyıllarda çok popülerdi.
Kaynak: sfgate.com
Making whisky and arrack.
Viski ve rakı yapma.
Kaynak: lankaweb.com
Arak is not to be confused with the similarly named liquor, arrack (which in some cases, such as in Indonesia—especially Bali, also goes
Kaynak: Arak (drink)
His father was big in arrack business and was very rich. After the death of his father Narayana Swamy took over the arrack business at a
Kaynak: Vauhini Studios
His father was big in arrack business and was very rich. After the death of his father Narayana Swamy took over the arrack business at a
Kaynak: Moola Narayana Swamy
The Indonesia n spirit arrack , is a spirit similar to rum that includes rice in its production. Mexico produces a number of brands of light
Kaynak: Rum
Palm wine may be distilled to create a stronger drink, which goes by different names depending on the region (e.g., arrack , village gin,
Kaynak: Palm wine
is a Finnish pastry flavored with almond s and rum or arrack and it usually weighs about 100 gram s. There is usually raspberry jam in
Kaynak: Runeberg's torte
Schnaps , Balkan rakia , Romanian tuica , Czech and Slovak pálenka , Hungarian pálinka , Sri Lankan coconut arrack , and Georgian chacha ).
Kaynak: Eau de vie
According to the 2010 census, it has a population of 91,428 people Tayabas is known for lambanog (coconut arrack ) and sweet food/
Kaynak: Tayabas
Their main profession were toddy tapping , brewing arrack etc., but now few people do their traditional job. References : Category:Social
Kaynak: Idiga
Toddy and nectar: Palm wine is distilled to produce arrack . In the Philippines, this alcoholic drink is called lambanog or "coconut vodka
Kaynak: Coconut
It is differentiated from indigenous alcoholic beverages such as fenny , toddy , arrack and others . Manufacture: A common characteristic of
Kaynak: Indian Made Foreign Liquor

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