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arraignment ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

arraignment anlamı
1) suçlama
2) davanın sanığa tebliği
3) kabahat yükleme

"arraignment" için örnek kullanımlar

He was bound over for arraignment after waiving his preliminary hearing Feb. 6.
Onun ön duruşma 6 Şubat feragat sonra arraignment için fazla bağlıydı.
Kaynak: superiortelegram.com
Officials say a second arraignment was set today for a Monterey Park yogurt owner.
Yetkililer ikinci bir suçlama Monterey Park yoğurt sahibi için bugün kuruldu söylüyorlar.
Kaynak: crowncitynews.com
By: Web Staff. Arraignment for man who led police on chase.
By: Web Çalışanlar kovalamaca polis açtı adam için suçlama..
Kaynak: hudsonvalley.ynn.com
There will be bond set and there will be an arraignment.
Bağ grubu olacak ve bir arraignment olacaktır.
Kaynak: wwltv.com
Colloquially, a plea has come to mean the assertion by a criminal defendant at arraignment , or otherwise in response to a criminal
Kaynak: Plea
It is usually soon after a defendant's arraignment . The main purpose of the hearing is to determine the admissibility of evidence ,
Kaynak: Omnibus hearing
In New York City , a desk appearance ticket (DAT) is an order to appear in Criminal Court for an arraignment . A person who receives a DAT
Kaynak: Desk appearance ticket
After the court holds a defendant to answer, the court schedules an arraignment . "information") and the defendant can enter a plea at the arraignment.
Kaynak: Preliminary hearing
Most people who are arrested and prosecuted in New York City will appear before a Criminal Court judge for arraignment . They may share
Kaynak: New York City Criminal Court
At his arraignment he requested that counsel be appointed for him because he was indigent . the investigation was present at the arraignment.
Kaynak: Michigan v. Jackson
months of his 4 1/2 year sentence before receiving parole Between his arraignment and the start of his trial, Harriman twice walked away
Kaynak: Joseph Wright Harriman
On 4 February 2013, Huhne was convicted on the basis of his own plea after re-arraignment. The trial of Pryce began on the following day,
Kaynak: R v Huhne and Pryce
Judge Sylvester also was concerned about moving too fast in proceeding to the arraignment , which could produce further issues supporting
Kaynak: James Eagan Holmes
police station, and then taken to the appropriate courthouse for an arraignment or similar procedure that brings the case into the legal system.
Kaynak: Perp walk
charges and pleaded not guilty at his arraignment A grand jury indicted Markoff for first-degree murder , armed robbery, and other charges
Kaynak: Philip Markoff
The Court ruled unanimously that the absence of counsel at the time of his arraignment violated Hamilton's due process rights under the
Kaynak: Hamilton v. Alabama (1961)
and gross misdemeanor arraignment s and preliminary hearing s to determine if sufficient evidence exists for a trial in the District Court).
Kaynak: Nevada District Courts
Two fellow astronauts traveled to Florida for Nowak's arraignment to assist authorities and NASA personnel as needed Christopher Ferguson
Kaynak: Lisa Nowak
In a criminal case, there is usually an arraignment or some other kind of appearance before the defendant comes to court. The pleading in
Kaynak: Answer

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