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bleeding ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

bleeding anlamı
1) kanama
2) havasını alma
3) adet
4) regl
1) lanet
2) Allah'ın cezası

"bleeding" için örnek kullanımlar

Joe Landolina may have invented a cure for bleeding.
Joe Landolina kanama için bir tedavi icat olabilir.
Kaynak: mnn.com
There is a bizarre breed of folk for whom pointing out the supremely bleeding obvious is almost second nature.
Fevkalade kanama bariz işaret neredeyse ikinci doğa kimin için halk garip bir cins vardır.
Kaynak: kentnews.co.uk
Afternoon Shift: Stop the bleeding.
Öğleden sonra Shift: kanama durdurun.
Kaynak: wbez.org
I still believe that the Ducks are a good team, but in order to avoid the fall from grace that we saw the Wild fall to last year and has been predicted by many in the hockey world, they need to stop the bleeding tonight.
Ben hala geçen yıla Vahşi gordum ve hokey dünyadaki birçok kişi tarafından tahmin edildiğini Ördekler iyi bir takım olduğuna inanıyorum, ama lütuf sonbahar önlemek için, onlar kanama gece durdurmak gerekir.
Kaynak: anaheimcalling.com
Upper gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding refers to hemorrhage in the upper gastrointestinal tract . cut-off for upper GI bleeding is the
Kaynak: Upper gastrointestinal bleeding
a damaged blood vessel wall is covered by a platelet and fibrin -containing clot to stop bleeding and begin repair of the damaged vessel.
Kaynak: Coagulation
If bleeding is still uncontrolled or no focal bleeding point is visible then the nasal cavity should be packed with a sterile dressing,
Kaynak: Nosebleed
Exercise induced pulmonary hemorrhage (EIPH), also known as "bleeding" or a "bleeding attack", refers to the presence of blood in the
Kaynak: Exercise induced pulmonary hemorrhage
Bleeding order is a term used in phonology to describe specific interactions of phonological rules. are said to be in bleeding order, the
Kaynak: Bleeding order
professional wrestling , blading is the practice of intentionally cutting oneself to provoke bleeding. It is also known as juicing,
Kaynak: Blading (professional wrestling)
Many stigmata show recurring bleeding that stops and then starts, at times after receiving Holy Communion , and a large percentage of
Kaynak: Stigmata
Gastrointestinal bleeding or gastrointestinal hemorrhage describes every form of hemorrhage (loss of blood ) in the gastrointestinal
Kaynak: Gastrointestinal bleeding
Internal bleeding is bleeding occurring inside the body It can be a serious medical emergency depending on where it occurs (e.g.
Kaynak: Internal bleeding
In medicine (hematology ), bleeding diathesis (or bleeding tendency or predisposition or ha(e)morrhagic diathesis) is an unusual
Kaynak: Bleeding diathesis

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