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bodice ne demek?

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İngilizce - Türkçe

bodice anlamı
1) korse
2) korsaj
3) elbisenin üst kısmı

"bodice" için örnek kullanımlar

Detailed chiffon frills and embroidery of crystals formed bodice.
Kristallerin Ayrıntılı şifon fırfırlar ve nakış korse kurdu.
Kaynak: beauty.bgfashion.net
The detailing down the middle of the bodice only enhances the ensemble's elegant design.
Korse ortasında aşağı detaylandırma topluluğu zarif tasarımı geliştirir.
Kaynak: hollywoodlife.com
It will feature a bodice worn by Isabelle Haughey, who lived on Officers Row during the 1880s.
Bu 1880'lerde Memurları Row üzerinde yaşamış Isabelle Haughey, tarafından giyilen bir korse yer alacak.
Kaynak: columbian.com
g bodice and cutouts had more of a trendier edge.
g korse ve kesikleri bir Park'ın kenarında daha vardı.
Kaynak: celebs.gather.com
A bodice. (pron | ˈ | b | ɑː | d | ɨ | s historically, is an article of clothing for women, covering the body from the neck to the waist.
Kaynak: Bodice
Corset and bodice lacing became a mark of class, front laced bodices being worn by women who could not afford servants. Waist reduction
Kaynak: Corset
The liberty bodice (Australian and British English ), like the emancipation bodice or North America n emancipation waist, was an
Kaynak: Liberty bodice
Corsage refers to the bodice of a dress. In the 19th century, corsage was a common term for a woman's bodice or jacket. Its origin is
Kaynak: Corsage (bodice)
A Wall St. Journal article in 1980 referred to these bodice rippers as "publishing's answer to the Big Mac: They are juicy, cheap,
Kaynak: Romance novel
Empire silhouette, Empire line, Empire waist or just Empire is a style in women's clothing in which the dress has a fitted bodice ending
Kaynak: Empire silhouette
jpg | Support of the bosom by a bodice (French: brassiere) from 1900 The term "brassiere" was first used in the English language in 1893 It
Kaynak: Brassiere
A dress (also known as a frock or a gown ) is a garment consisting of a skirt with an attached bodice (or a matching bodice giving the
Kaynak: Dress
A stomacher is a decorated triangular panel that fills in the front opening of a woman's gown or bodice . The stomacher may be boned, as
Kaynak: Stomacher
Vietnamese Yếm refers to an ancient Vietnamese bodice used primarily as an undergarment that was once worn by Vietnamese women across
Kaynak: Yếm
Jelick (yelek) is the bodice or vest of a Turkish woman's dress. Jelick is typically a sleeveless and collarless garment and usually
Kaynak: Jelick
shirring is two or more rows of gather s used to decorate parts of garments, usually the sleeve s, bodice or yoke . The term is also
Kaynak: Shirring
Gowns, bodices, and petticoats: In the early years of the new century, fashionable bodice s had high necklines or extremely low, rounded
Kaynak: 1600–1650 in fashion
A tutu is a skirt worn as a costume in a ballet performance , often with attached bodice . either be part of the bodice or a separate
Kaynak: Ballet tutu
The term, of French origin, refers to a type of bodice or jacket , and in modern usage a long corset , characterized by a close,
Kaynak: Basque (clothing)
Waist is a common term for the bodice of a dress or for a blouse or woman's shirt from the early 19th century through the Edwardian
Kaynak: Waist (clothing)
Instead of a bodice and skirt cut separately, the mantua hung from the shoulders to the floor (in the manner of dresses of earlier periods
Kaynak: 1650–1700 in fashion

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