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bodily ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

bodily anlamı
1) bedensel
1) bütün olarak
2) tek vücut halinde

"bodily" için örnek kullanımlar

In fact, McLaren should be charged with assault causing bodily harm.
Aslında, McLaren saldırı bedensel zarar ile şarj edilmelidir.
Kaynak: thestar.com
Pathologist says beating victim, 7, had 53 areas of bodily injuries.
Patolog kurbanı, 7, dayak veya bedensel yaralanma 53 alanlar vardı diyor.
Kaynak: lasvegassun.com
The Crown has conditionally withdrawn a charge of assault causing bodily harm.
Taç şartlı bedensel zarar saldırı bir ücret geri çekti.
Kaynak: cbc.ca
She was charged with leaving the scene of an accident causing death or bodily injury.
O ölüm veya yaralanmalara neden olan kaza mahallinde terk suçlandı.
Kaynak: live5news.com
Grievous bodily harm (often abbreviated to GBH) is a term of art used in English criminal law which has become synonymous with the
Kaynak: Grievous bodily harm
Assault occasioning actual bodily harm (often abbreviated to Assault O.A.B.H. or simply ABH) is a statutory offence of aggravated assault
Kaynak: Assault occasioning actual bodily harm
Body fluid, bodily fluids, or biofluids are liquid s originating from inside the bodies of living people . They include fluids that are
Kaynak: Body fluid
Assault causing bodily harm is a statutory offence of assault in Canada with aggravating factors. causes bodily harm to the complainant
Kaynak: Assault causing bodily harm
Four temperaments is a proto- psychological interpretation of the ancient medical concept of humorism and suggests that four bodily fluid
Kaynak: Four temperaments
Bodily Harm may refer to: Grievous bodily harm , a legal term of art used in the definition of both statutory and common law offences in
Kaynak: Grievous Bodily Harm (disambiguation)
Causing bodily harm by wanton or furious driving is a statutory offence in England and Wales and Northern Ireland . It has been
Kaynak: Causing bodily harm by wanton or furious driving

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