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bryology ne demek?

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"bryology" için örnek kullanımlar

The International Association of Bryologists (IAB), established in 1969, is a professional association promoting bryology (the study of
Kaynak: International Association of Bryologists
was a Japan ese botanist specializing in bryology Inoue's botanical publications are from Japan . He described or recognized many species
Kaynak: Hiroshi Inoue
The Bryologist is a peer review ed scientific journal specialising in bryology . It is published quarterly by the American Bryological
Kaynak: The Bryologist
Ilma Grace Stone (1913 – 2001), née Balfe, was an Australian botanist who specialised in bryology . She was an author, collector, and
Kaynak: Ilma Grace Stone
Ádám Boros (1900–1973) floristics, bryology, phycology. Rezső Boros (1925–1968) pomology. Olga Borsos (1926–1996) plant systematics, plant
Kaynak: List of Hungarian botanists
Eustace Bagnall ALS (7 November 1830 – 3 September 1918) was an English naturalist with a particular interest in botany , especially bryology .
Kaynak: James Eustace Bagnall
He never attended university, and it is not known how his interest in bryology was sparked. Stephani is most remembered for his Species
Kaynak: Franz Stephani
There, she specialized in bryology and conceived the idea of a grand moss flora of Northern Europe. Although lacking a formal academic
Kaynak: Elsa Nyholm
Great Miami River, publishing in 1878 the Flora of the Miami River, Ohio; Morgan also showed particular interest in mycology and bryology .
Kaynak: Andrew Price Morgan
(February 15, 1784 – December 5, 1866) was a French military physician and botanist who specialized in the fields of bryology and mycology .
Kaynak: Camille Montagne
Schimper's contributions to biology were mainly in the specialized fields of bryology (study of mosses) and paleobotany (study of plant
Kaynak: Wilhelm Philippe Schimper
He has been recognized for his interest in phytomorphology , phytophysiology , phytogeography , phycology , lichenology , bryology ,
Kaynak: Kailas Nath Kaul
Bryologia silesiaca, (Silesia n bryology), 1869 Milde suffered from respiratory ailments for most of his adult life, and died at the age of
Kaynak: Carl August Julius Milde
As a botanist his interests included pteridology, bryology and paleobotany. He made botanical expeditions to Africa, Greenland and South
Kaynak: Per Karl Hjalmar Dusén

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