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bryophyte ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

"bryophyte" için örnek kullanımlar

are a division of non-vascular bryophyte land plant s commonly referred to as hepatics or liverworts. Like other bryophytes, they have a
Kaynak: Marchantiophyta
The following is a list of published bryophyte floras covering counties or other local areas of Britain , together with a list of
Kaynak: List of British county and local bryophyte floras
These other two groups of bryophyte s are now placed in their own divisions. Physical characteristics Description: Botanically, mosses are
Kaynak: Moss
The evolution of plants has resulted in increasing levels of complexity , from the earliest algal mat s, through bryophyte s, lycopod s,
Kaynak: Plant
Hornworts are a group of bryophyte s, or non-vascular plant s, comprising the division Anthocerotophyta. The common name refers to the
Kaynak: Hornwort
Bryology is the branch of botany concerned with the scientific study of bryophyte s (moss es, liverworts , and hornwort s).
Kaynak: Bryology
Rhizoids are simple hair-like protuberances that extend from the lower epidermal cells of bryophyte s, Rhodophyta and pteridophyte s.
Kaynak: Rhizoid
It is present in the gametophyte phase of cryptogam s like bryophyte s and fern s, and also in the primitive vascular psilotophytes .
Kaynak: Antheridium
Anomobryum julaceum is a species of bryophyte native to all continents except South America and Antarctica . A. julaceum is found
Kaynak: Anomobryum julaceum
Physcomitrium pyriforme, commonly known as common bladder moss, is a bryophyte native to all continents except South America and
Kaynak: Physcomitrium pyriforme

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