Anything that can be dissolved by weak
carbonic acid can become karst country.
Zayıf karbonik asit ile çözülebilir şey karstik ülke haline gelebilir.
Kaynak: blogs.scientificamerican.comThey attached a
carbonic acid group at each end of these molecules.
Onlar bu moleküllerin her bir ucunda bir karbonik asit grubu eklenmiş.
Kaynak: nanowerk.comAnd bubbles are created by carbon dioxide, which forms dilute
carbonic acid in water.
Ve kabarcıkları su seyreltik karbonik asit oluşturur karbondioksit tarafından oluşturulur.
Kaynak: carbon dioxide is dissolved in water,
carbonic acid is formed making the water a little more acidic.
Karbon dioksit, suda çözünür olduğunda, karbonik asit, su biraz daha fazla asidik bir hale oluşur.
Kaynak: capecodtoday.comit forms
carbonic acid (H | 2 | C | O | 3), but as most compounds with multiple single-bonded oxygens on a single carbon it is unstable
Kaynak: CarbonThe
carbonic anhydrases (or carbonate dehydratases) form a family of enzyme s that catalyze the rapid interconversion of carbon dioxide
Kaynak: Carbonic anhydraseCarbonic anhydrase inhibitors are a class of pharmaceuticals that suppress the activity of
carbonic anhydrase . Their clinical use has
Kaynak: Carbonic anhydrase inhibitor Carbonic anhydrase II (gene name CA2), is one of fourteen forms of human α
carbonic anhydrases .
Carbonic anhydrase catalyzes reversible
Kaynak: Carbonic anhydrase II The hydration equilibrium constant of
carbonic acid is K_hfrac H_2CO_3 CO_2(aq)1.70 imes 10^-3 (at 25 °C). Hence, the majority of the
Kaynak: Carbon dioxideCarbonic anhydrase 6 (also called 'Gustin') is an enzyme that in humans is encoded by the CA6 gene - several isozymes of
carbonic anhydrase .
Kaynak: Carbonic anhydrase VI A carbonate ester (organic carbonate or organocarbonate) is an ester of
carbonic acid . This functional group consists of a carbonyl
Kaynak: Carbonate esterIn chemistry, a carbonate is a salt of
carbonic acid , characterized by the presence of the carbonate ion, CO | 3 | 2-. ester of
carbonicKaynak: Carbonate