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centralism ne demek?

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centralism anlamı
1) merkezcilik

"centralism" için örnek kullanımlar

The pope's resignation has broken with the traditions of Roman centralism.
Papa'nın istifa Roma merkeziyetçilik gelenekleri ile kırdı.
Kaynak: huffingtonpost.com
In reality, there is precious little democracy in the SWP and excessive centralism.
Gerçekte, SWP ve aşırı merkeziyetçilik değerli az demokrasi vardır.
Kaynak: wsws.org
What we feel we have in Australia is duplicated centralism.
Ne biz Avustralya'da zorunda hissediyorum merkeziyetçilik yineleniyor.
Kaynak: canberratimes.com.au
They intended to replace our current government with what they referred to as "democratic centralism."
Onlar olarak adlandırılan ne ile mevcut hükümetin yerini alması düşünülen "demokratik merkeziyetçilik."
Kaynak: americanthinker.com
See also : Democratic centralism Nation-state Nueva Planta decrees – a series of centralizing royal decrees issued in Spain in the early 18
Kaynak: Centralisation
Democratic centralism is the name given to the principles of internal organization used by Leninist political parties, and the term is
Kaynak: Democratic centralism
Organic centralism is a method of political organisation advocated by left communists , in particular the Italian Left. It was a concept
Kaynak: Organic centralism
hierarchy governed by the principle of democratic centralism , who considered themselves the leaders of the revolutionary working class of Russia.
Kaynak: Bolshevik
The Communist Party of Vietnam is organized according to the Leninist principle of Democratic centralism . The supreme party organ is the
Kaynak: National Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam
Democratic centralism As epitomised in the slogan “Freedom in Discussion, Unity in Action”, Lenin followed the example of the First
Kaynak: Leninism
and exercise political leadership Through the policy of democratic centralism , the communist party is the supreme political institution of
Kaynak: Marxism–Leninism
Lenin thus created the Third International (Comintern) in 1919 and sent the Twenty-one Conditions , which included democratic centralism
Kaynak: Communism
The party described its decision-making process as "democratic centralism"Decisions are reached through broad discussion within the party
Kaynak: Canadian Party of Labour
It is a Marxist-Leninist party, and its organization is based upon democratic centralism . The party also considers itself to be
Kaynak: Portuguese Communist Party
be the ultimate decision-making authority between Congresses once the process of democratic centralism has led to an agreed-upon position.
Kaynak: Central Committee
the Marxists on the alleged undemocratic character of 'democratic centralism' themselves actually practice an extreme form of 'bureaucratic
Kaynak: Socialist Party (England and Wales)
The organizational principle that drives the political system of the PRC is "democratic centralism ". Within the system, the democratic
Kaynak: Constitution of the Communist Party of China
It has been asserted that during the Thatcher government the DoE led the drive towards centralism, and the undermining of local government
Kaynak: Secretary of State for the Environment

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