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centrality ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

"centrality" için örnek kullanımlar

And that is no small matter given the Fed's centrality to the market's gains.
Ve bu pazarın kazanımlar Fed merkeziliğini verilen küçük bir konudur.
Kaynak: zacks.com
By and large, no, because of the centrality of our panels in our system, right?
Tarafından ve çünkü hemen bizim sistemde bizim paneller, merkeziliği, hayır, büyük?
Kaynak: seekingalpha.com
"They certainly emphasize the centrality of Christ," Foley said.
"Onlar kesinlikle Mesih'in merkeziliğini vurgular," Foley dedi.
Kaynak: al.com
First, wake up, acknowledge the centrality of this problem and focus our attention.
İlk olarak, uyan bu sorunun merkeziliğini kabul ve bizim ilgi odağı.
Kaynak: pressherald.com
In some languages, the centrality of a consonant may be indeterminate. In Japanese, for example, there is a flap consonant that may be
Kaynak: Central consonant
Betweenness centrality is a measure of a node's centrality in a network equal to the number of shortest paths from all vertices to all
Kaynak: Betweenness centrality
Random walk closeness centrality is a measure of centrality in a network , which describes the average speed with which randomly walking
Kaynak: Random walk closeness centrality
Formally established measures of centrality are degree centrality , closeness centrality , betweenness centrality , eigenvector centrality
Kaynak: Network theory
In statistics , the pseudomedian is a measure of centrality for data-sets and populations. It agrees with the median for symmetric data-
Kaynak: Pseudomedian
Formally established measures of centrality are degree centrality , closeness centrality , betweenness centrality , eigenvector
Kaynak: Network science
In 1953, he introduced a centrality measure named Katz centrality that computes the degree of influence of an actor in a social network.
Kaynak: Leo Katz (statistician)
Despite the centrality of the idea of "breeds" to animal husbandry, no scientifically accepted definition of the term exists A breed is
Kaynak: Breed
States Census , the city had a total population of 96,455 It is known as the "Hub City" due to its geographic centrality in Los Angeles County.
Kaynak: Compton, California
rejects the Aristotelian and Avicennian notion of the Earth's centrality within the universe, but instead argues that there are "a
Kaynak: Geocentric model

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