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ceremonial ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

ceremonial anlamı
1) tören
2) merasim
3) seremoni
4) ayin
1) törensel
2) resmi
3) merasimli
4) dini törenle ilgili

"ceremonial" için örnek kullanımlar

The race began March 2 with 66 teams at a ceremonial start in Anchorage.
Yarış Anchorage tören başında 66 takım ile 2 Mart başladı.
Kaynak: duluthnewstribune.com
Police hunt thieves after ceremonial silverware stolen from historic church.
Polis avı hırsızlar tören gümüş sonrası tarihi kilise çalındı.
Kaynak: shropshirestar.com
The ceremonial start and super special stage take place on Sunday, March 24.
Tören başlangıç ​​ve süper özel sahne Pazar, 24 Mart tarihinde gerçekleşecek.
Kaynak: saudigazette.com.sa
State of SD appealing ceremonial tobacco policy change at prison.
Cezaevinde SD çekici tören tütün politikası değişikliği Devlet.
Kaynak: mitchellrepublic.com
The ceremonial counties of England is a collective name for areas to which a Lord Lieutenant is appointed. Legally they are defined by
Kaynak: Ceremonial counties of England
The ceremonial mace is a highly ornamented staff of metal or wood, carried before a sovereign or other high official in civic ceremonies
Kaynak: Ceremonial mace
A ceremonial weapon is an object used for ceremonial purposes to display power or authority. They are often used in parades, and as part
Kaynak: Ceremonial weapon
Ceremonial dance is a major category or classification of dance forms or dance styles, where the purpose is ceremonial or ritual istic.
Kaynak: Ceremonial dance
Partial reform of local government in England since 1995 has led to the creation of so-called ceremonial counties to which lord-
Kaynak: Lord Lieutenant
Public duties are performed by military personnel, and usually have a ceremonial or historic significance rather than an overtly
Kaynak: Public duties
Various Native American languages are cultivated for religious and ceremonial purposes by Native Americans who no longer use them in
Kaynak: Sacred language
In accordance with the ceremonial standard operating procedure (SOP) of the 3rd US Infantry (The Old Guard) the various gun salutes are
Kaynak: 21-gun salute
This article focuses on a ceremonial aspect of the Anglican church, and on the Anglican church in particular. See orthopraxis for
Kaynak: Ritualism in the Church of England
The Presidents of both Israel and the Federal Republic of Germany have largely ceremonial duties and are regarded as titular leaders.
Kaynak: Titular ruler

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