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ceremonious ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

ceremonious anlamı
1) törensel
2) merasimli
3) dini törenle ilgili
4) merasime düşkün
5) resmi
6) fazlasıyla nazik

"ceremonious" için örnek kullanımlar

The trek of AIPAC participants back to the Hill was much less ceremonious.
Geri Hill AIPAC katılımcıların trek daha az törensel oldu.
Kaynak: tabletmag.com
Saturday was especially ceremonious for the Lady Cardinals.
Cumartesi Lady Cardinals için özellikle törenle yapıldı.
Kaynak: scntx.com
Some versions are kind of thin and don't have that ceremonious feel of the piece we use.
Bazı sürümleri tür ince ve kullandığımız parçasının bu törensel hissediyorum yok.
Kaynak: sj-r.com
A rite is an established, ceremonious , usually religious act. Rites in this sense fall into three major categories: rites of passage ,
Kaynak: Rite
A rite is an established ceremonious act. Rite also may refer to: Autonomous particular church within Roman Catholic Church. Rites (album)
Kaynak: Rite (disambiguation)
It means ceremonious of holy bath given to a deity. Among notable people known by this name are: Abhishek Bachchan , Award-winning Indian
Kaynak: Abhishek (given name)
In contrast to the series' previous central villain , the ancient and ceremonious Master (Mark Metcalf ), Spike and Dru were introduced
Kaynak: Drusilla (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
, Japan , Korea , and other East Asian countries where the practice of Mahayana, such as the ceremonious reciting of sutras, is prevalent.
Kaynak: Wooden fish

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