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certain ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

certain anlamı
1) belirli
2) belli
3) kesin
4) emin
5) belirlenmiş
6) muhakkak
7) güvenilir
8) kuşkusuz
9) şüphesiz
10) herhangi bir
11) falanca
12) mutlâk

"certain" için örnek kullanımlar

Why Groupon's next CEO is almost certain to come from outside the company.
Neden Groupon sonraki CEO'su şirket dışından gelmek neredeyse kesindir.
Kaynak: bizjournals.com
Aspirin may prevent certain types of skin cancer, according to a study.
Aspirin bir araştırmaya göre, deri kanseri bazı türleri önleyebilir.
Kaynak: enstarz.com
Roberto Carlos: Barcelona 90% certain to sign Man City and Chelsea target Neymar.
Roberto Carlos: Man City ve Chelsea hedef Neymar imzalamak için belirli Barcelona 90%.
Kaynak: express.co.uk
Former PRIDE and Elite XC fighter James Thompson has a problem with certain fans.
Eski GURUR ve Elite XC savaşçısı James Thompson bazı hayranları ile bir sorunu var.
Kaynak: fightline.com
Something is certain only if no skepticism can occur. Philosophy (at least historical Cartesian philosophy) seeks this state.
Kaynak: Certainty
Finally, the participant is given a "new name" which he or she is instructed never to reveal except under certain conditions in the
Kaynak: Washing and anointing
As a general principle in European Union law, it means that the law must be certain, in that it is clear and precise, and its legal
Kaynak: Legal certainty
Un certain regard. (œ̃ sɛʁtɛ̃ ʁəɡaʁ. a certain glance or a particular outlook) is a section of the Cannes Film Festival 's official selection
Kaynak: Un Certain Regard
A Certain Smile (known in French as Un certain sourire), written in a two-month period then published in 1956 is Françoise Sagan 's second
Kaynak: A Certain Smile

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