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certainly ne demek?

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İngilizce - Türkçe

certainly anlamı
1) kesinlikle
2) şüphesiz
3) elbette
4) kuşkusuz
5) muhakkak

"certainly" için örnek kullanımlar

And in that much, Wenger's honest outlook most certainly cannot be faulted.
Ve bu kadar içinde, Wenger dürüst bakış kesinlikle hatayla olamaz.
Kaynak: footballfancast.com
Certainly the crash on Saturday night at Daytona also created some interest.
Kesinlikle Daytona Cumartesi gecesi kaza da biraz ilgi yarattı.
Kaynak: sportsnola.com
Mumbai: Kareena Kapoor Khan is certainly a good wife and there is no doubt about it.
Mumbai: Kareena Kapoor Han kesinlikle iyi bir eş olduğunu ve bu konuda hiçbir şüphe yoktur.
Kaynak: pardaphash.com
Wayne Swan may be Treasurer, but he's certainly no treasure.
Wayne Swan Sayman olabilir, ama kesinlikle hiçbir hazinedir.
Kaynak: theaustralian.com.au
or Kamtsang Kagyu, is probably the largest and certainly the most widely practiced lineage within the Kagyu school one of the four
Kaynak: Karma Kagyu
Ramon S. Fernandez is generally regarded as the greatest basketball player (and certainly the best and most revolutionary player at the
Kaynak: Ramon Fernandez
Hermeric (died 441) was the Suevi c King of Galicia from perhaps as early as 406 and certainly no later than 419 until his retirement in
Kaynak: Hermeric
"certainly", "necessarily) generally denotes a duty or obligation adopted by a spiritual aspirant (or community of same), or prescribed
Kaynak: Niyama
The Varsity Show is one of the oldest traditions at Columbia University and certainly its oldest performing arts presentation.
Kaynak: Varsity Show
Moridunum (or, almost certainly, Moridunum Demetarum) was a Roman fort and town in the Roman province of Britannia . Today it is known
Kaynak: Moridunum (Carmarthen)
Dommoc, a place not certainly identified but probably within the modern county of Suffolk , was the original seat of the Anglo-Saxon
Kaynak: Dommoc
Bero (Björn) was the first certainly Swedish Bishop of Finland in the mid-13th century His historicity is not questioned. Background
Kaynak: Bero (Bishop of Finland)
It has a long history since wine was certainly being made by the Minoans before 1600 BC. Wines from Crete are not listed among those
Kaynak: Cretan wine
Fulcanelli is almost certainly a pseudonym assumed, during the early 20th century, by a French alchemist and esoteric author, whose
Kaynak: Fulcanelli
Oropom (Oworopom, Oyoropom, Oropoi) is a dubious and, if real, almost certainly extinct African language , purportedly once spoken in
Kaynak: Oropom language
was a subdivision of the people of Attica , and certainly among the most ancient in the Athenian state. Etymology: The word is derived
Kaynak: Naucrary
Few of the letters and writings by George Frideric Handel remain today—certainly far fewer than remain for other major composers.
Kaynak: Letters and writings of George Frideric Handel
1529), was an indigenous woman (almost certainly Calamari) from the Colombian Atlantic coast, who accompanied Pedro de Heredia and
Kaynak: India Catalina
Dance has certainly been an important part of ceremony , ritual s, celebration s and entertainment since before the birth of the earliest
Kaynak: Dance in mythology and religion
Makhir of Narbonne was a Babylonian-Jewish scholar, perhaps the Exilarch of the Jews of Babylon, certainly the leader of the Jewish
Kaynak: Makhir of Narbonne
Almost certainly derived from a crossing of the Siberian Elm Ulmus pumila and the Red Elm Ulmus rubra , it was originally believed that
Kaynak: Ulmus 'Willis'

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