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chert ne demek?

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chert anlamı
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"chert" için örnek kullanımlar

Not every tribe had access to chert or rocks.
Her kabile çört veya kayalar erişim vardı değil.
Kaynak: pontiacdailyleader.com
He didn't get bored when I started to talk about the significance of the chert and pillow basalts at Twin Peaks.
Ben İkiz Tepeler çört ve yastık bazalt önemi hakkında konuşmaya başladığımda o bıkkın alamadım.
Kaynak: science.kqed.org
The overall thickness, magnetism, texture, color of the chert bands and structural features such as bedding thickness, banded and or massive nature of the units, fault zones are all determined and described.
Toplam kalınlığı, çört bantları ve bu tür yatak kalınlığı, bantlı ve veya birimlerin büyük doğa gibi yapısal özellikleri manyetizma, doku, renk, fay zonları tüm belirlenmiş ve açıklanmıştır.
Kaynak: juniorminingnetwork.com
Mill Creek chert is a type of chert found in Southern Illinois and heavily exploited by members of the Mississippian culture (800 to
Kaynak: Mill Creek chert
The Rhynie chert is an Early Devonian sedimentary deposit exhibiting extraordinary fossil detail or completeness (a Lagerstätte ).
Kaynak: Rhynie chert
The Gunflint chert (1.88 Ga ) is a sequence of banded iron formation rocks that are exposed in the Gunflint Range of northern Minnesota
Kaynak: Gunflint chert
Flint is a hard, sedimentary cryptocrystalline form of the mineral quartz categorized as a variety of chert . It occurs chiefly as
Kaynak: Flint
Rocks are turbidite s, block in matrix mélange , chert , and volcanics. The accretionary complex itself could either be the toe of a
Kaynak: Narooma Terrane
(greenstones), deep-sea radiolarian chert s, greywacke sandstone s, limestone s, serpentinite s, shale s, and high-pressure metamorphic
Kaynak: Franciscan Assemblage
upwelling-rich assemblages and its unique highly siliceous rocks from diatom-rich planktons forming diatomite s, porcelainite s, and banded chert s
Kaynak: Monterey Formation
Knapping is the shaping of flint , chert , obsidian or other conchoidal fracturing stone through the process of lithic reduction to
Kaynak: Knapping
Novaculite is a form of chert or flint found in the Ouachita Mountains of Arkansas and Oklahoma and in the Marathon Uplift of Texas
Kaynak: Novaculite
A microlith is a small stone tool usually made of flint or chert and typically a centimetre or so in length and half a centimetre wide.
Kaynak: Microlith
minerals in permineralisation cements are carbonate s (especially calcite), forms of amorphous silica (chalcedony , flint , chert ) and pyrite .
Kaynak: Sedimentary rock
Chipped stone tools are made from cryptocrystal line materials such as chert or flint , radiolarite , chalcedony , basalt , quartzite
Kaynak: Stone tool
Rhyniella praecursor (meaning "small creature of the Rhynie chert, a forerunner of modern hexapoda") is a fossil springtail from the
Kaynak: Rhyniella praecursor

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