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chervil ne demek?

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İngilizce - Türkçe

chervil anlamı
1) Frenk maydanozu

"chervil" için örnek kullanımlar

At times, it even includes parsley, mint, marjoram, fennel and chervil.
Zaman zaman, hatta maydanoz, nane, mercanköşk, rezene ve frenk maydanozu içerir.
Kaynak: thesheridanpress.com
Its lobster dressing isn't overly fishy, and the accomanying chervil doesn't spoil the mouthfuls.
Onun istakoz sosu aşırı balık değildir ve accomanying frenk maydanozu yudum bozmaz.
Kaynak: foodepedia.co.uk
New for 2013 we have cumin, oregano, and chervil.
2013 yılı için yeni biz kimyon, kekik, ve frenk maydanozu var.
Kaynak: mirror.co.uk
Place the cooked mackerel fillet on top and scatter the apple and chervil leaves over the whole dish.
Elma ve Frenk maydanozu bütün çanak üzerinde yaprakları üst ve dağılım üzerinde pişmiş uskumru fileto yerleştirin.
Kaynak: spaldingtoday.co.uk
Chervil (Anthriscus cerefolium), sometimes called garden chervil to distinguish it from similar plants also called chervil, or French
Kaynak: Chervil
Anthriscus sylvestris, known as cow parsley, wild chervil , wild beaked parsley, keck, or Queen Anne's lace is a herbaceous biennial or
Kaynak: Anthriscus sylvestris
A plant of the carrot family , Anthriscus caucalis is known by the common name burr chervil or bur-chervil. herb from the same genus, chervil .
Kaynak: Anthriscus caucalis
asafoetida , caraway , carrot , celery , Centella asiatica , chervil , cicely , coriander (including cilantro ), cumin , dill , fennel ,
Kaynak: Apiaceae
carrot family known by several common names, including turnip-rooted chervil , tuberous-rooted chervil, bulbous chervil, and parsnip chervil.
Kaynak: Chaerophyllum bulbosum
Dogger Bank itch is a cutaneous condition characterized by an eczema tous dermatitis caused by exposure to the sea chervil , Alcyonidium
Kaynak: Dogger Bank itch
The ingredients of fines herbes are fresh parsley , chives , tarragon and chervil These "fine herbs" are not the pungent and resinous
Kaynak: Fines herbes
chopped shallots and chervil White wine sauce Herb juice. strained and finished with: chopped chervil and tarragon. References : Category:French
Kaynak: Venetian sauce
The difference is only in their flavoring: Béarnaise uses shallot , chervil , pepper corn, and tarragon , while Hollandaise uses lemon
Kaynak: Béarnaise sauce
It includes the cultivated root vegetable Chaerophyllum bulbosum (turnip rooted chervil). It is also known as Queen Anne's laces and cow
Kaynak: Chaerophyllum
The traditional mix includes chervil , arugula , leafy lettuces and endive in equal proportions, but in modern iterations may include an
Kaynak: Mesclun
Green goddess is a salad dressing , typically containing mayonnaise , sour cream , chervil , chives , anchovy , tarragon , lemon juice ,
Kaynak: Green goddess dressing
Depending on the recipe, the bouquet garni may also include basil , burnet , chervil , rosemary , peppercorns , savory and tarragon .
Kaynak: Bouquet garni
Anthriscus cerefolium | Herbal | White | chervil | Bellis perennis | Mildly bitter | Pink | daisy | Borago officinalis | Anise | Lilac
Kaynak: List of edible flowers
Nationally rare species bur chervil can also be found in significant abundance on Swan Island Small numbers of both sandwich and Arctic
Kaynak: Swan Island, County Antrim

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