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cohort ne demek?

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İngilizce - Türkçe

cohort anlamı
1) kohort
2) topluluk
3) kalabalık
4) lejyonun onda biri

"cohort" için örnek kullanımlar

Not a single net job has been regained among this cohort in the last four years.
Değil tek bir net iş son dört yıl içinde bu grup arasında yer kazanmış oldu.
Kaynak: nationalreview.com
The first 4 sends had a message for each cohort, and the last two went to the entire list.
İlk 4 gönderimler her kohort için bir mesaj vardı ve son iki listenin tamamını gitti.
Kaynak: business2community.com
UAEU appoints new cohort of teaching assistants.
UAEU asistanlarına yeni kohort atadı.
Kaynak: gulfnews.com
If they are the highly educated, highly skilled cohort Seattle tends to attract, it's even better.
Onlar yüksek eğitimli, yüksek vasıflı kohort Seattle çekmek eğilimi varsa, o da iyi.
Kaynak: blogs.seattletimes.com
A cohort (from the Latin cohors, plural cohortes) was the basic tactical unit of a Roman legion during the Second Punic War 218 to 201 BC
Kaynak: Cohort (military unit)
A cohort study or panel study is a form of longitudinal study (a type of observational study ) used in medicine , social science ,
Kaynak: Cohort study
In statistics and demography , a cohort is a group of subjects who have shared a particular event together during a particular time span
Kaynak: Cohort (statistics)
The United Kingdom has a series of four national birth cohort studies, the first three spaced apart by 12 years: the 1946 National Survey
Kaynak: Demographics
If names were "intended as names of orders, but published with their rank denoted by a term such as": "cohors" Latin for "cohort, "nixus
Kaynak: Taxonomic rank
A cohort is a group of students who work through a curriculum together to achieve the same academic degree together. References
Kaynak: Cohort (educational group)
A prospective cohort study is a cohort study that follows over time a group of similar individuals (cohort s) who differ with respect to
Kaynak: Prospective cohort study
A retrospective cohort study, also called a historic cohort study, (from Latin retr, "look back") generally means to take a look back at
Kaynak: Retrospective cohort study
The Vigiles or more properly the Vigiles Urbani ("watchmen of the City ") or Cohortes Vigilum ("cohort s of the watchmen") were the
Kaynak: Vigiles
The term cohort effect is used in social science to describe variations in the characteristics of an area of study (such as the incidence
Kaynak: Cohort effect
The cohort model in psycholinguistics and neurolinguistics is a model of lexical retrieval first proposed by William Marslen-Wilson in the
Kaynak: Cohort model
The Vasconne cohort was a Basque auxiliary infantry Cohort in the Roman Empire . This cohort spent many years guarding Hadrian's Wall
Kaynak: Vasconne cohort
The PAQUID (or Paquid) cohort is a group of 3,777 individuals aged 65 years or older who were studied from 1988 until present.
Kaynak: PAQUID cohort
The Lothian birth-cohort studies comprise three Cohort studies, combining research into psychology , epidemiology and geriatrics .
Kaynak: Lothian birth-cohort studies
A cohort default rate is the percentage of a school's borrowers who enter repayment on certain loans during a federal fiscal year (October 1
Kaynak: Cohort default rate

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