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cohesive ne demek?

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"cohesive" için örnek kullanımlar

The Mavs were the more cohesive unit and executed better down the stretch.
Mavs daha uyumlu bir birim vardı ve streç aşağı iyi yürütülür.
Kaynak: bleacherreport.com
For the first time in a long time, we really were cohesive and jelling.
Uzun zamandır ilk defa, biz gerçekten kaynaşmış ve Jelling vardı.
Kaynak: flyernews.com
That was a little surprising to learn, because the album feels so cohesive.
Bu albüm öylesine kaynaşmış hissediyor, çünkü öğrenmek için biraz şaşırtıcı oldu.
Kaynak: popmatters.com
"If the team is not completely cohesive and bonded, it won't perform as well."
"Takım tamamen uyumlu ve gümrüklü değilse, o kadar iyi bir performans göstermez."
Kaynak: huffingtonpost.com
A cohesive text is created in many different ways. Hasan identify five general categories of cohesive devices that create coherence in
Kaynak: Cohesion (linguistics)
In a highly-cohesive system, code readability and the likelihood of reuse is increased, while complexity is kept manageable. Cohesion is
Kaynak: Cohesion (computer science)
The sticky ends or cohesive ends form base pairs. Any two complementary cohesive ends can anneal, even those from two different organisms
Kaynak: Sticky and blunt ends
relations, perceived unity and emotions Members of strongly cohesive groups are more inclined to participate readily and to stay with the group
Kaynak: Group cohesiveness
A binder is any material or substance that holds or draws other materials together to form a cohesive whole. Often materials labeled as
Kaynak: Binder (material)
The 1996 OFC Nations Cup was not held as a cohesive tournament, but consisted of semi-finals and a final played on a two-legged basis,
Kaynak: 1996 OFC Nations Cup
BiNet USA is a nonprofit national bisexuality organization whose mission is to "facilitate the development of a cohesive network of
Kaynak: BiNet USA
It is also useful to know that k-cohesive graphs (or k-components) are always a subgraph of a k-core , although a k-core is not always k-
Kaynak: Structural cohesion
Pseudotachylite or Pseudotachylyte is a cohesive glassy or very fine-grained fault rock that is composed of an extremely fine-grained or
Kaynak: Pseudotachylite
Domain-general learning theories of development hold that we develop a global knowledge structure which contains cohesive, whole knowledge
Kaynak: Domain-general learning
A metropolitan economy refers to the cohesive, naturally evolving concentration of industries , commerce , markets , firms , housing , human
Kaynak: Metropolitan economy
A number of historians of Wales have queried the notion of a single, cohesive Welsh identity. In 1921 Sir Alfred Zimmern , the inaugural
Kaynak: Geography and identity in Wales

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