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coherent ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

coherent anlamı
1) tutarlı
2) uyumlu
3) ahenkli
4) yapışık
5) birbirini tutan

"coherent" için örnek kullanımlar

At that point, the visitors were looking confident, coherent and dangerous.
Bu noktada, ziyaretçiler, özgüvenli, tutarlı ve tehlikeli aradılar.
Kaynak: liverpoolecho.co.uk
When asked where he believed he was, Bailey couldn't give a coherent answer.
O olduğuna inanıyordu nerede sorulduğunda, Bailey tutarlı bir cevap veremedim.
Kaynak: thecabin.net
What he needs to be doing is telling interesting and coherent stories.
Yaptığı gereken ne ilginç ve tutarlı hikayeler söylüyor.
Kaynak: cagesideseats.com
At Fort Meade, Manning delivered a more coherent explanation of what drove him.
Fort Meade, Manning götürdü ne bir daha tutarlı bir açıklama teslim.
Kaynak: nytimes.com
Coherence, coherency, or coherent can refer to: In physics : Coherence (physics) Coherence time In mathematics : Mutual coherence (linear
Kaynak: Coherence
In mathematics , especially in algebraic geometry and the theory of complex manifold s, coherent sheaves are a specific class of sheaves
Kaynak: Coherent sheaf
The resonator typically consists of two mirrors between which a coherent beam of light travels in both directions, reflecting back on
Kaynak: Laser
Two waves are said to be coherent if they have a constant relative phase. The degree of coherence is measured by the interference
Kaynak: Coherence (physics)
Related concepts include finitely cogenerated modules, finitely presented modules, finitely related modules and coherent modules all of
Kaynak: Finitely-generated module
term coherent | content wikt:coherent | coherent defn (of like parts) sticking together, but not firmly or solidly as in connate.
Kaynak: Glossary of botanical terms
In topology , a coherent topology is one that is uniquely determined by a family of subspaces. topological space is coherent with a family
Kaynak: Coherent topology
In mathematics, a (left) coherent ring is a ring in which every finitely generated left ideal is finitely presented . over coherent rings.
Kaynak: Coherent ring
In proof theory , a coherent space is a concept introduced in the semantic study of linear logic . Let a set C be given. Two subsets S,T
Kaynak: Coherent space
The purely linguistic elements that make a text coherent are subsumed under the term cohesion . However, those text-based features which
Kaynak: Coherence (linguistics)
an array of wagers is coherent precisely if it does not expose the wagerer to certain loss regardless of the outcomes of events on which
Kaynak: Coherence (philosophical gambling strategy)
such a scheme is known as a "memory coherence protocol", and if such a protocol is employed the system is said to have a "coherent memory".
Kaynak: Memory coherence

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