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coherence ne demek?

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coherence anlamı
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"coherence" için örnek kullanımlar

We have more geographic coherence than we did during the past six months.
Biz son altı ay içinde yaptım daha fazla coğrafi bütünlük var.
Kaynak: nytimes.com
The BJP has no coherence in its party organisation at the moment.
BJP şu anda kendi parti örgütü hiçbir tutarlılık vardır.
Kaynak: news.oneindia.in
127 quartets offered so many different tempos as to threaten basic coherence of the form.
Formun temel uyumunu tehdit olarak 127 dörtlüsü çok farklı tempoları sundu.
Kaynak: washingtonpost.com
Benedict XVI's resignation: Coherence and comprehension.
Benediktus istifası: Tutarlılık ve anlama.
Kaynak: en.radiovaticana.va
Coherence, coherency, or coherent can refer to: In physics : Coherence (physics) Coherence time In mathematics : Mutual coherence (linear
Kaynak: Coherence
In physics , coherence is an ideal property of wave s that enables stationary (i.e. temporally and spatially constant) interference .
Kaynak: Coherence (physics)
Coherence theory of truth regards truth as coherence within some specified set of sentences, propositions or beliefs There is no single
Kaynak: Coherence theory of truth
In computing, cache coherence (also cache coherency) refers to the consistency of data stored in local cache s of a shared resource.-
Kaynak: Cache coherence
The spectral coherence is a statistic that can be used to examine the relation between two signals or data sets. It is commonly used
Kaynak: Coherence (signal processing)
In linear algebra , the coherence or mutual coherence of a matrix A is defined as the maximum absolute value of the cross-correlation s
Kaynak: Mutual coherence (linear algebra)
One is the coherence theory of truth ; the other, the coherence theory of justification . The coherentist theory of justification
Kaynak: Coherentism
In physics , coherence length is the propagation distance over which a coherent wave (e.g. specified degree of coherence . Wave
Kaynak: Coherence length
Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is an optical signal acquisition and processing method. It captures micrometer -resolution, three-
Kaynak: Optical coherence tomography
For an electromagnetic wave , the coherence time is the time over which a propagating wave (especially a laser or maser beam) may be
Kaynak: Coherence time
The weak central coherence theory (WCC), also called the central coherence theory (CC), suggests that a specific perceptual -cognitive
Kaynak: Weak central coherence theory
In physics , atomic coherence is the induced coherence between levels of a multi-level atom ic system sometimes observed when it interacts
Kaynak: Atomic coherence
Memory coherence is an issue that affects the design of computer system s in which two or more processor s or cores share a common area of
Kaynak: Memory coherence
Mutual coherence can refer to: Mutual coherence (physics), sinusoidal waves which exhibit a constant phase relationship. Mutual coherence
Kaynak: Mutual coherence

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