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companion ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

companion anlamı
1) arkadaş
2) yoldaş
3) eş
4) ahbap
5) kavalye
6) refakâtçi
7) bakıcı
8) güverte merdiveni
9) el kitabı
1) ilgili
2) ait olan
3) mensup
1) eşlik etmek
2) arkadaşlık etmek
3) refakât etmek

"companion" için örnek kullanımlar

The prospect of a companion smartwatch for the Galaxy S IV is an enticing one.
Galaxy S IV için bir arkadaşı smartwatch umudu cezbedici bir tanesidir.
Kaynak: forbes.com
Josh Allen was 24 years old when he launched Companion bakery and cafe in 1993.
1993 yılında Companion ekmek ve cafe başlattığı Josh Allen 24 yaşındaydı.
Kaynak: bizjournals.com
In his presentation, Pudwell discussed the benefits of companion planting in gardens.
Sunumda, Pudwell bahçelerde arkadaşı dikim yararları tartışılmıştır.
Kaynak: commercialappeal.com
In the long-running BBC television science fiction programme Doctor Who and related works, the term "companion" refers to a character who
Kaynak: Companion (Doctor Who)
A pet (or companion animal) is a household animal kept for a person's enjoyment, as opposed to livestock , laboratory animal s, working
Kaynak: Pet
The brighter star is called the primary and the other is its companion star. File:Wiktionary-logo-en. svg | alt Wiktionary Logo comes ˈ | k |
Kaynak: Binary star
mean "to behave as a courtier" and then "to pay amorous attention to somebody The most intimate companion of a ruler was called the favourite .
Kaynak: Prostitution
Recipients of this award are entitled to use the post-nominal letters "QSO", and are styled "companion". Family can be named "extra companions".
Kaynak: Queen's Service Order
mean "to behave as a courtier" and then "to pay amorous attention to somebody The most intimate companion of a ruler was called the favourite .
Kaynak: Courtesan

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