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companionable ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

companionable anlamı
1) samimi
2) candan
3) girişken
4) arkadaş canlısı

"companionable" için örnek kullanımlar

We ate our lunches in companionable discussion about things that interest him.
Biz onu ilgilendiren şeyler hakkında companionable tartışma bizim öğle yemeği yedik.
Kaynak: dailyheraldtribune.com
He is very companionable and loves to have his head scratched.
O çok samimi ve başını kaşıdı için seviyor.
Kaynak: wyandotte.patch.com
Plants can act in a companionable way by altering the nutritional status of the soil.
Bitkiler toprak beslenme durumu değiştirerek bir candan bir şekilde hareket edebilir.
Kaynak: thechronicleonline.com
of death, sometimes a more companionable animal, it is classified as a cryptid , and there are varying accounts of the animal's appearance.
Kaynak: Black Shuck
The work consists of six conversations (entretiens) between two companionable friends whose Greek- and Latin-derived names both mean "
Kaynak: Dominique Bouhours
It means 'companionable' or 'uxorious. People whose surname is or was Keller include: Adam Keller , Israeli peace activist. Al Keller , American
Kaynak: Keller (surname)
high standards he set himself and required from others - he was a companionable and humorous man, long-suffering and often highly
Kaynak: Ernest Warburton
Though known as something of an eccentric, "one of the most companionable of persons" when sober, but mean-spirited and harshly critical
Kaynak: Kenneth R. H. Mackenzie
He was said to be very quiet and almost retiring in manner, yet very companionable and a friendly and a genial host. He lived for many years
Kaynak: George Goodwin Kilburne
primary and that looking directly at others or talking in a companionable way is considered "invasion of privacy" and an official "Mistake."
Kaynak: Mockingbird (Tevis novel)
"Wise, illuminating, companionable, it may well come to be seen as Lewis' s best book." The Observer " "the final memorial to the work of a
Kaynak: The Discarded Image
second novel confirms Strout as the possessor of an irresistibly companionable, peculiarly American voice: folksy, poetic, but always as
Kaynak: Abide with Me (novel)
both Lucia and Georgie (who entered into a companionable marriage in Lucia's Progress, 1935), took holiday lets in the Sussex town of
Kaynak: Riseholme
it is evident that they never could have lived together with companionable ease and familiarity; nor had Sir John Hawkins that nice
Kaynak: Life of Samuel Johnson (1787)
affirmed Tarr's mixture of humor and serious messages, noting that "Tarr's easy-going and companionable rambles through American Jews'
Kaynak: Herbert Tarr
With all his wealth of learning, which was very great, he was light-hearted, witty and companionable. References: This article contains
Kaynak: John Charles Dent
a most companionable presence in the kitchen; often catching the imagination with a deftly chosed fragment of history or poetry, but
Kaynak: Jane Grigson
Sometimes recorded as an omen of death, sometimes a more companionable animal, it is classified as a cryptid, and there are varying
Kaynak: Black Shuck (song)

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