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consistency ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

consistency anlamı
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3) uyum
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7) bağdaşma

"consistency" için örnek kullanımlar

Richardson wanted to play the same way as the big club for consistency.
Richardson tutarlılık için büyük bir kulüp aynı şekilde oynamak istedim.
Kaynak: silversevensens.com
Men's basketball: Knights find offensive consistency against SHU.
Erkekler basketbol: Knights SHU karşı saldırı tutarlılık bulmak.
Kaynak: dailytargum.com
'Hawks struggled for consistency even before lineup was shuffled.
'Hawks serisinde karıştırılan önce bile tutarlılık için mücadele etti.
Kaynak: goerie.com
Consistency and completeness in arithmetic and set theory: intricate relationship between the consistency of the theory and its completeness .
Kaynak: Consistency
In fiction, continuity (also called time-scheme) is consistency of the characteristics of people, plot, objects, and places seen by the
Kaynak: Continuity (fiction)
In computer science , consistency models are used in distributed systems like distributed shared memory systems or distributed data stores
Kaynak: Consistency model
Data consistency summarizes the validity, accuracy, usability and integrity of related data between applications and across an IT enterprise
Kaynak: Data consistency
The failure of the consistency criterion can be seen as an example of Simpson's paradox . limit 3 Examples Copeland: Copeland's method
Kaynak: Consistency criterion
The consistency as defined here is sometimes referred to as the weak consistency. When we replace the convergence in probability with the
Kaynak: Consistent estimator
In statistics , consistency of procedures such as confidence intervals or hypothesis tests involves their behaviour as the number of items
Kaynak: Consistency (statistics)
In negotiation , consistency, or the consistency principle, refers to a negotiator's strong psychological need to be consistent with prior
Kaynak: Consistency (negotiation)
Since unitarity of a theory is necessary for its consistency, the term is sometimes also used as a synonym for consistency, and is
Kaynak: Unitarity (physics)
In constraint satisfaction , local consistency conditions are properties of constraint satisfaction problem s related to the consistency of
Kaynak: Local consistency
Eventual consistency is one of the consistency model s used in the domain of parallel programming , for example in distributed shared memory
Kaynak: Eventual consistency
Sequential consistency is one of the consistency model s used in the domain of concurrent programming (e.g. in distributed shared memory
Kaynak: Sequential consistency
The Novikov self-consistency principle, also known as the Novikov self-consistency conjecture, is a principle developed by Russian
Kaynak: Novikov self-consistency principle
In statistics and research , internal consistency is typically a measure based on the correlation s between different items on the same
Kaynak: Internal consistency
In mathematical logic , two theories are equiconsistent if the consistency of one theory implies the consistency of the other theory, and
Kaynak: Equiconsistency

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