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consociate ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

consociate anlamı
1) ortak
2) arkadaş
3) hissedar
1) ortak
2) müşterek
1) arkadaş olmak
2) ortaklık kurmak

"consociate" için örnek kullanımlar

He also included that the single version would include the Young Money Entertainment consociate Drake , a version that was performed on
Kaynak: Digital Girl
"The consociate family", as Fruitlands residents referred to themselves, wished to achieve complete freedom by separating entirely from
Kaynak: Charles Lane (transcendentalist)
Fruitlands residents, who called themselves "the consociate family", wished to separate themselves from the world economy by refraining
Kaynak: Fruitlands (transcendental center)
Nevertheless, according to the consociate announcement by the Turkish Ministry of Culture and the Thuringian Ministry of Culture, all the
Kaynak: Tatari Oguz Effendi
Calling themselves a "consociate family", they agreed to follow a strict vegetarian diet and to till the land without the use of animal labor.
Kaynak: Amos Bronson Alcott

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