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corporal ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

corporal anlamı
1) onbaşı
1) bedensel

"corporal" için örnek kullanımlar

1:42 p.m.: Kristiana Ullman, 27, battery, inflicting corporal injury.
01:42: Kristiana Ullman, 27 pil, onbaşı yaralanmalar inflicting.
Kaynak: watsonville.patch.com
According to the sheriff's department, Coset is a corporal in the Marine Corps.
Şerifin göre, Coset Deniz Piyadeleri arasında bir onbaşı olduğunu.
Kaynak: usnews.nbcnews.com
Army corporal died after Upper Langwith crash, inquest told.
Ordu Üst Langwith kazadan sonra öldü Onbaşı, tahkikat söyledi.
Kaynak: chad.co.uk
Corporal punishment: School Principal temporarily suspended.
Onbaşı ceza: Okul Müdürü geçici olarak askıya.
Kaynak: newindianexpress.com
autonomy is expected of junior Marines, particularly the NCOs (corporal s and sergeant s), as compared with many other military organizations.
Kaynak: United States Marine Corps
Caning is a widely used form of legal corporal punishment in Singapore . It can be divided into several contexts: judicial, prison,
Kaynak: Caning in Singapore
The corporal (from Latin corpus "body") is a square white linen cloth, now usually somewhat smaller than the breadth of the altar, upon
Kaynak: Corporal (liturgy)
USS Corporal (SS-346), a Balao-class submarine , was a ship of the United States Navy named for the corporal, an alternate name for the
Kaynak: USS Corporal (SS-346)
During World War I and World War II , Gefreiter was considered more to be a lance corporal , with the rank of full corporal known as
Kaynak: Gefreiter
infantry platoon normally commanded a squad of 9 or 10 men, and was thus equivalent to an American Army sergeant or a British Army corporal .
Kaynak: Unteroffizier
The rank of police corporal is correlational to the rank of corporal in the armed forces , typically ranking immediately above officer
Kaynak: Police corporal
petty officer second class , and is the lowest rank of non-commissioned officer , equivalent to a corporal in the U.S. Army and Marines .
Kaynak: Petty officer, third class
Career corporals : First chief corporal (one yellow chevron, three red chevrons and one red stripe) Chief corporal (one yellow and three red
Kaynak: Luxembourg Army
Lance corporal is a military rank , used by many armed forces worldwide, and also by some police forces and other uniformed organizations.
Kaynak: Lance corporal

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