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corporate ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

corporate anlamı
1) tüzel
2) toplu
3) şirkete ait
4) birleşmiş

"corporate" için örnek kullanımlar

"Corporate profits are eating the economy," Derek Thompson wrote yesterday.
"Kurumsal kârlar ekonomisi yiyorsun," Derek Thompson dün yazdı.
Kaynak: theatlantic.com
Business leaders are discovering the power of corporate social responsibility.
İş liderleri, kurumsal sosyal sorumluluk gücünü keşfediyorlar.
Kaynak: pacbiztimes.com
Corporate cash will not be funding the next iteration of Barack Obama's grassroots army.
Kurumsal nakit Barack Obama'nın halk ordusunun sonraki yineleme finanse edilmeyecektir.
Kaynak: swampland.time.com
One that nearly leaps off the page is the extreme risk in the corporate loan book of Goldman Sachs.
Neredeyse sayfanın dışına sıçramaları Bir Goldman Sachs kurumsal kredi kitapta aşırı risktir.
Kaynak: hereisthecity.com
Eventually, state governments began to realize the greater corporate registration revenues available by providing more permissive
Kaynak: Corporation
Corporate social responsibility (CSR, also called corporate conscience, corporate citizenship, social performance, or sustainable
Kaynak: Corporate social responsibility
Many countries impose corporate tax, also called corporation tax or company tax, on the income or capital of some types of legal entities.
Kaynak: Corporate tax
Publicly and privately held for-profit corporation s confer corporate titles or business titles on company officials as a means of
Kaynak: Corporate title
have become so numerous and complex, that no business lawyer can learn them all, forcing increasing specialization among corporate attorneys.
Kaynak: Business
The corporate headquarters includes: CEO as a key person and his support staff such as the CEO office and other CEO related functions;
Kaynak: Headquarters
A corporate bond is a bond issue by a corporation . It is a bond that a corporation issues to raise money effectively in order to expand
Kaynak: Corporate bond
In criminology , corporate crime refers to crimes committed either by a corporation (i.e., vicarious liability and corporate liability ).
Kaynak: Corporate crime
It may refer to political, or social organization that involves association of the people of society into corporate groups , such as
Kaynak: Corporatism
Criticism of multinationals Anti-globalization | Anti-corporate activism Anti-corporate advocates criticize multinational corporations for
Kaynak: Multinational corporation
There are small businesss unsecured loans such as credit cards and credit lines to large corporate credit lines. These may be available
Kaynak: Commercial bank

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