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corps ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

corps anlamı
1) kolordu
2) birlik
3) heyet
4) topluluk
5) kıta

"corps" için örnek kullanımlar

Now Torres, who has been with the Corps for 15 years, takes care of all the field operations.
Şimdi 15 yıldır Kolordu ile olmuştur Torres, tüm saha operasyonları ilgilenir.
Kaynak: gazettes.com
So it appears that life as part of the White House press corps is getting a bit dreary these days.
Yani bu Beyaz Saray basın kolordu bir parçası olarak hayatının bu günlerde biraz kasvetli oluyor görünür.
Kaynak: esquire.com
Historical look at conservation corps offered.
Koruma teşkilatı at Tarihsel bakış sundu.
Kaynak: newtoncountytimes.com
Members could participate in either the drum and bugle corps or color guard and were required to pay a membership fee.
Üyeler davul ve borazan kolordu veya renk görevlisi ya katılmak olabilir ve bir üyelik ücreti ödemek için gerekli oldu.
Kaynak: kokomotribune.com
A corps (icon | ˈ | k | ɔər "core"; the plural is spelled the same as singular but pronounced ˈ | k | ɔər | z "cores"; from French , from
Kaynak: Corps
A drum and bugle corps, also known as a drum corps, is a musical marching unit (similar to a marching band ) consisting of brass instrument
Kaynak: Drum and bugle corps (modern)
The Canadian Corps was a World War I corps formed from the Canadian Expeditionary Force in September 1915 after the arrival of the 2nd
Kaynak: Canadian Corps
A rifle corps. (стрелковый корпус, strelkovyy korpus. was a Soviet military organization of the mid-twentieth century.
Kaynak: Rifle corps (Soviet)
In ballet , the corps de ballet (from French , body of the ballet) is the group of dancers who are not soloists. They are a permanent part
Kaynak: Corps de ballet
XXXXI Panzer Corps (also written: Panzer-Korps 41) was a tank corps in the German Army (Wehrmacht Heer ) during World War II .
Kaynak: XXXXI Panzer Corps (Germany)

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