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corrode ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

corrode anlamı
1) aşındırmak
2) yıpratmak
3) çürütmek
4) kemirmek
5) yıpranmak

"corrode" için örnek kullanımlar

Moreover, acid rain can corrode infrastructures made of marble or limestone.
Ayrıca, asit yağmuru mermer veya kireçtaşından yapılmış altyapıları zarar edebilirsiniz.
Kaynak: photonics.com
Global warming could corrode shallow reefs sooner than forecast.
Küresel ısınma erken beklentisi daha sığ kayalıkları paslanırlar olabilir.
Kaynak: phys.org
These factors corrode the public trust in government over time.
Bu faktörler zaman içinde hükümet kamu güvenini paslanırlar.
Kaynak: libn.com
Salting roads can corrode trucks, which is a different impact.
Tuzlama yollar farklı bir etkisi olan, kamyonlar zarar edebilirsiniz.
Kaynak: voicesnews.com
Many structural alloy s corrode merely from exposure to moisture in air, but the process can be strongly affected by exposure to certain
Kaynak: Corrosion
Galvanic corrosion is an electrochemical process in which one metal corrode s preferentially to another when both metals are in
Kaynak: Galvanic corrosion
Architectural structures built with copper corrode to give green verdigris (or patina ). Decorative art prominently features copper,
Kaynak: Copper
Steam boiler s can scale up or corrode, and these deposits will mean more fuel is needed to heat the same amount of water. Cooling tower s
Kaynak: Industrial water treatment
Stainless steel does not readily corrode , rust or stain with water as ordinary steel does, but despite the name it is not fully stain-
Kaynak: Stainless steel

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