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corruptible ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

corruptible anlamı
1) bozulabilir
2) ayartılabılir
3) rüşvet alır

"corruptible" için örnek kullanımlar

But there are two things that make our society particularly corruptible.
Ama bizim toplumda özellikle rüşvet kılan iki şey vardır.
Kaynak: montrealgazette.com
He opted to prevent corruptible actions even from among his superiors.
Hatta onun üstlerinin arasından rüşvet eylemleri önlemek için seçti.
Kaynak: ngrguardiannews.com
Its expression is corruptible even irrelevant yet nothing is more certain for each person.
Onun ifadesi alakasız bile rüşvet olduğunu henüz hiçbir şey, her kişi için daha kesindir.
Kaynak: thelmagazine.com
India has been trying to purge the Defense Ministry and the military of corruptible officials.
Hindistan Savunma Bakanlığı ve rüşvet yetkilileri askeri temizlemek için çalışıyor.
Kaynak: strategypage.com
typical "flag waver" of the era, portraying Nazis as highly corruptible due to their desire to seduce women and to gain personal advancement
Kaynak: The Adventures of Tartu
html) In context, it refers to the impossibility of enforcing moral behavior when the enforcers (custodes) are corruptible: ...
Kaynak: Satire VI
As if Mikšić, already wealthy has been seen by voters as more decent and less corruptible candidate. Few hours later, new projections, based
Kaynak: Boris Mikšić
purchase a corruptible life at such a price, and that if he had a hundred lives he would willingly surrender them all in defence of his faith.
Kaynak: Christopher Buxton
Stavely's cynical manipulation of the easily corruptible islanders has been interpreted as an indictment of Western imperialism and the
Kaynak: Butterworth Stavely
The Loomis family itself was the nucleus of a gang composed of corruptible youths from their locality, as well as criminal elements from
Kaynak: Loomis Gang
"James Boswell belonged, in his corruptible part, to the lowest classes of mankind; a foolish, inflated creature, swimming in an element
Kaynak: Life of Samuel Johnson
Advantages : Less corruptible than elections: Sortition may be less corruptible than voting because processes can be developed to ensure that
Kaynak: Sortition
For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality. So when this corruptible shall have put on
Kaynak: Immortality
greater and most of the police are overworked and some of them may be corruptible While it is suggested that to change crime requires
Kaynak: The Roots of Evil
world of the sefiroth is superior to that of the corruptible entities, as well as to the world of circular movements and that of the angels."
Kaynak: Yohanan Alemanno
So they exchanged the glory of the incorruptible God for images in the likeness of corruptible man, and of birds, four-footed beasts and
Kaynak: Olaf M. Norlie
Penelope, classically a bastion of chastity, is hereby portrayed as corruptible like any other woman. References : Category:Poetry by Horace
Kaynak: Satires 2.5 (Horace)
around the threat of identity theft and the danger of trusting invaluable information to companies run by oh-so-corruptible human beings ...
Kaynak: Deleted – The Game
They investigated Daniel for any corruptible behavior that they could use against him, but found nothing. So, they resorted to conspire
Kaynak: Daniel in the lions' den

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