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corsage ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

corsage anlamı
1) çiçek buketi
2) korsaj
3) elbisenin üst kısmı

"corsage" için örnek kullanımlar

Then up drove Litchfield, who gave her a corsage made from baby boots.
Sonra yukarı bebeği çizme yapılmış bir çiçek buketi verdi Litchfield, sürdü.
Kaynak: amarillo.com
, Corsage, boutonniere, young women and men to wear, usually free clothing color.
, Korsaj, yaka çiceği, genç kadın ve erkekler, genellikle ücretsiz giyim renk giymek.
Kaynak: sbwire.com
You can also treat yourself to a corsage gown or a draped dress.
Ayrıca kendinize bir çiçek buketi elbisesi veya dökümlü elbise davranabilirsiniz.
Kaynak: plus-size-tall.com
A lady's corsage constructed from a paper wasp's nest is presented in a jewelry box.
Bir kağıt arısı yuvası yapılmış bir bayanın korsaj bir mücevher kutusu içinde sunulmaktadır.
Kaynak: highbrowmagazine.com
Corsage refers to the bodice of a dress. In the 19th century, corsage was a common term for a woman's bodice or jacket. Its origin is
Kaynak: Corsage (bodice)
(Women who wear jackets on these occasions also often may wear "buttonholes", but more typically a woman would wear a corsage ) Nowadays,
Kaynak: Boutonnière
1835, is a type of clothing , generally worn alongside a corsage . date December 2011 Canezous were originally date December 2011 short
Kaynak: Canezou
Prior to that, a corsage was worn. In the Victorian and Edwardian era a corsage was used for many years, often from infancy , so the
Kaynak: Redresseur corset
In the season premiere, she is hit by a bus on the way to the florist to exchange a corsage on her sister's wedding day. In the ensuing
Kaynak: Ciao Bella
The ability to create a variety of floral designs such as wreath s, bouquet s, corsage s, boutonnière s/'buttonholes', permanent
Kaynak: Floristry
In additional to flower arrangements, the art of floral design includes making wreath s, nosegay s, garland s, boutonniere s, corsage s,
Kaynak: Floral design
in colours, such as the pink fabric used by Charvet for a corsage (See Figure right), reducing the difference between cambric and chambray.
Kaynak: Cambric

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