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cumulus ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

cumulus anlamı
1) kümülüs
2) bulut kümesi

"cumulus" için örnek kullanımlar

Cumulus has hired radio vet Maire Mason as GSM for its New York City cluster.
Cumulus yılında New York City küme için GSM gibi radyo veterinere Maire Mason tuttu.
Kaynak: radioink.com
Cumulus has put a lot of time and investment into its Daily Deal program SweetJack.
Cumulus onun Daily Deal programına SweetJack zaman ve yatırım çok koydu.
Kaynak: radioink.com
One of the best reviews of this program was done by DA member cumulus in this forum thread.
Bu programın en iyi değerlendirmeleri biri bu forum thread DA üyesi kümülüs tarafından yapıldı.
Kaynak: depositaccounts.com
Straight ahead, rice terraces cascaded below cumulus clouds already building over the ocean.
Dosdoğru, pirinç terasları zaten okyanus üzerinde inşa kümülüs bulutları altında basamaklanmasını.
Kaynak: coloradodaily.com
The cumulus oophorus (Latin cumulus heap, Greek oo egg + phor carrier; latinized ending "-us"), also called discus proligerus, is a
Kaynak: Cumulus oophorus
Cumulus congestus clouds are a form of cumulus cloud that can be based in the low or middle height ranges. They achieve considerable
Kaynak: Cumulus congestus cloud
Cumulus humilis is a cumuliform cloud with little vertical extent that is commonly referred to as "fair weather cumulus ". It is
Kaynak: Cumulus humilis cloud
Cumulus mediocris is a low to middle level cloud with some vertical extent (Family D1) of the genus cumulus , larger in vertical
Kaynak: Cumulus mediocris cloud
Oreokera cumulus is a species of air-breathing land snail , a terrestrial pulmonate gastropod mollusk in the family Charopidae .
Kaynak: Oreokera cumulus
Cumulus castellanus (from Latin castellanus, castle) is a type of cumulus cloud that is distinctive because it displays multiple towers
Kaynak: Cumulus castellanus cloud
Cumulonimbus (from the Latin cumulus ("heap") and nimbus ("cloud") is a dense towering vertical cloud associated with thunderstorm s and
Kaynak: Cumulonimbus cloud

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