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custom ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

custom anlamı
1) gelenek
2) görenek
3) adet
4) töre
5) alışkanlık
6) alışveriş
7) örf ve adetler hukuku
8) müşterisi olma
1) ısmarlama
2) sipariş üzerine yapılmış

"custom" için örnek kullanımlar

Of COURSE Riccardo Tisci would make custom outfits for Rihanna's tour!
DERS Riccardo Tisci Rihanna tur için özel kıyafetler yapmak istiyorsunuz!
Kaynak: perezhilton.com
A bicycle manufacture that makes custom bikes recently relocated to Dorchester.
Özel bisiklet yapan bir bisiklet üretimi son Dorchester taşındı.
Kaynak: boston.com
For customers in the early design stages, PA International offers Custom die casting.
Tasarımın erken aşamalarında müşteriler için, PA Uluslararası Özel döküm sunuyor.
Kaynak: menafn.com
Custom may refer to: set of agreed, stipulated or generally accepted rules, norms, standards or criteria, often taking the form of a custom
Kaynak: Custom
Mass customization , the use of computer-aided manufacturing systems to produce custom output. Modding , a slang expression for modification
Kaynak: Customization
A custom car is a passenger vehicle that has been modified in either of the following two ways. First, a custom car may be altered to
Kaynak: Custom car
Summary of basic custom rules Asia Hong Kong: Hong Kong is a free port and generally does not impose duties on imported or exported goods
Kaynak: Customs
gender, and status, high position of custom in the system of values, self-sufficiency, preference to saving and accumulation of capital
Kaynak: Tradition
Minhag- (מנהג "custom", pl. minhagim) is an accepted tradition or group of traditions in Judaism . A related concept, Nusach (he | נוסח
Kaynak: Minhag
convention is a set of agreed , stipulated, or generally accepted standard s, norms , social norms , or criteria , often taking the form of a custom .
Kaynak: Convention (norm)
the United Kingdom, where the heart of the trade is London's Savile Row tailoring , and custom tailoring in the United States and Hong Kong .
Kaynak: Tailor
A custom motorcycle is a motorcycle that is highly stylized or which treats aspects such as frame geometry , engine design, or paintwork
Kaynak: Custom motorcycle
Customary international law are those aspects of international law that derive from custom . custom is considered by the International
Kaynak: Customary international law
from more trivial conventional aspects of custom , etiquette or politeness - "folkways" enforced by gentle social pressure, but going
Kaynak: Mores
Mass personalization is defined as custom tailoring by a company in accordance with its end users tastes and preferences The main
Kaynak: Personalization

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