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customary ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

customary anlamı
1) geleneksel
2) alışılmış
3) alışılagelmiş
4) adetler gereğince

"customary" için örnek kullanımlar

School aid, as is customary, looms as one of the biggest battles.
Okul yardım, alışılmış olduğu gibi, en büyük savaş olarak belirdi.
Kaynak: newsday.com
A customary summary of last night's BRIT Awards · BRIT Awards.
Dün geceki BRIT Ödülleri · BRIT Ödülleri bir teamül özeti.
Kaynak: thecmuwebsite.com
And when crisis becomes customary, it's not crisis any more.
Ve kriz alışılmış hale geldiğinde, başka kriz değil.
Kaynak: townhall.com
It was customary to use those last days for drills that were more fun and interactive.
Bu daha eğlenceli ve interaktif olan matkaplar için bu son günleri kullanmak gelenekti.
Kaynak: guardian.co.uk
United States customary units are a system of measurements commonly used in the United States . but the U.S. customary system developed
Kaynak: United States customary units
While cultural universals are by definition part of the mores of every society (hence also called "empty universals"), the customary norms
Kaynak: Mores
It is then customary to define linear operators acting on wavefunctions in terms of linear operators acting on kets, by: A Psi(mathbf r
Kaynak: Bra–ket notation
Custom (law) or customary law, Norm (sociology), Convention (norm) and. Tradition It is consistent in spelling across most of the many
Kaynak: Kastom
South African customary law refers to that usually uncodified legal system developed and practiced by the indigenous communities of South
Kaynak: Customary law in South Africa
The Portuguese customary units were used in Portugal , Brazil and other parts of the Portuguese Empire until the adoption of the Metric
Kaynak: Portuguese customary units
Aboriginal title is a common law doctrine that the land rights of indigenous peoples to customary tenure persist after the assumption
Kaynak: Aboriginal title

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