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customhouse ne demek?

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İngilizce - Türkçe

customhouse anlamı
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"customhouse" için örnek kullanımlar

Alan Gaudio, Doylestown Township, is a licensed U.S. Customhouse broker and works as a consultant and trainer on matters related to international trade.
Alan Gaudio, Doylestown Township, lisanslı bir ABD Customhouse komisyoncu ve uluslararası ticaret ile ilgili konularda bir danışman ve eğitmen olarak çalışıyor.
Kaynak: phillyburbs.com
The Royal Commissioners of Customs administered customs in Boston during the colonial period In the late 17th century, the customhouse was
Kaynak: Boston Custom House
U.S. Customhouse is a historic customhouse located at Oswego in Oswego County, New York . It is a three story, flat roofed, rectangular
Kaynak: United States Customhouse (Oswego, New York)
The Machias Post Office and Customhouse in Machias, Maine was built in 1872. It served historically as a customhouse and as a post office
Kaynak: Machias Post Office and Customhouse

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