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decency ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

decency anlamı
1) terbiye
2) edep
3) nezaket
4) namus
5) ılımlılık
6) anlayışlılık
7) uygunluk

"decency" için örnek kullanımlar

Just leave your conscience, sense of common decency and moral compass at home.
Sadece vicdan, ortak edep ve evde ahlaki pusula duygusu bırakın.
Kaynak: saffronwaldenreporter.co.uk
He even lacks the decency and decision to break into a plain, honest, manly run.
O bile edep ve düz, dürüst, erkekçe işletilen girmeye karar yoksun.
Kaynak: heraldscotland.com
It's deeply rewarding to know that, amid the hell of war, human decency can survive.
Bu savaş cehennem ortasında, insan edep yaşayabilir, bilmek derinden ödüllendirici.
Kaynak: wvgazette.com
He lets that ignorant clown have it with poise and decency.
O cahil palyaço duruşu ve edep ile var sağlar.
Kaynak: towleroad.com
The applicable standard of decency is generally that of the local community, which is sometimes codified in law, but may also be based in
Kaynak: Indecent exposure
Minimal decency is an ethical requirement according to the moral philosophy of Immanuel Kant . It refers to the minimum requirement of
Kaynak: Minimal decency
Outraging public decency is a common law offence in England and Wales As a common law offence it is punishable by unlimited imprisonment
Kaynak: Outraging public decency
The Social Charter initially defined what many UK campaigning groups termed the Council of Europe decency threshold in the 1960s as 68%
Kaynak: European decency threshold
Conspiracy to corrupt public morals or to outrage public decency: Conspiracy to corrupt public morals is an offence under the common law of
Kaynak: Conspiracy (crime)
Joseph Welch confronts McCarthy: Have you no sense of decency, sir? At long last, have you left no sense of decency? Infuriated by McCarthy's
Kaynak: Army–McCarthy hearings
One application of the living Constitution framework is seen in the Supreme Court's reference to "evolving standards of decency" under the
Kaynak: Living Constitution

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