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decennial ne demek?

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İngilizce - Türkçe

decennial anlamı
1) onuncu yıldönümü
2) on yıllık süreye ait
3) on yılda bir olan
4) onuncu yıllık dönem

"decennial" için örnek kullanımlar

The city is undergoing its legally required decennial charter revision process.
Kent, yasal onuncu yıldönümü tüzüğü revizyon sürecinden geçmektedir.
Kaynak: newhavenindependent.org
He also said he would like to revisit the state's decennial redistricting process.
O da devletin onuncu yıldönümü redistricting işlemi tekrar etmek istiyorum dedi.
Kaynak: juneauempire.com
Census Bureau sampling does not follow the same methodology as the decennial census.
Sayım Bürosu örnekleme onuncu yıldönümü sayımı aynı metodoloji takip etmez.
Kaynak: radnor.patch.com
So results are not as thorough as with the decennial census.
Böylece sonuç on yılda bir sayım ile olduğunca eksiksiz değildir.
Kaynak: news-gazette.com
Since the first census in 1790 , the decennial count has been the basis for the United States representative form of government.
Kaynak: 2000 United States Census
The United States Census is a decennial census mandated by the United States Constitution The population is enumerated every 10 years
Kaynak: United States Census
The census in the United Kingdom is decennial , that is, held every ten years, although there is provision in the Census Act 1920 for a
Kaynak: List of United Kingdom censuses
The Lambeth Conferences are decennial assemblies of bishops of the Anglican Communion convened by the Archbishop of Canterbury .
Kaynak: Lambeth Conferences
The demography of England has since 1801 been measured by the decennial national census , and is marked by centuries of population growth
Kaynak: Demography of England
The Washington Redistricting Commission is a decennial body charged with redrawing congressional and legislative districts in the state of
Kaynak: Washington Redistricting Commission
Redistricting in Arizona is the decennial process of redrawing Arizona's congressional and legislative districts to reflect changes in
Kaynak: Redistricting in Arizona
During the decennial England and Wales Census es of 1841 to 1901, the individual schedules returned from each household were transcribed
Kaynak: Census Enumerators' Books
United States House of Representatives are redistributed amongst the 50 states following each constitutionally mandated decennial census .
Kaynak: United States congressional apportionment
INTERPHIL, or the Seventh International Philatelic Exhibition, was the seventh decennial philatelic exhibition for the United States held
The Population and Housing Census is a decennial census in Botswana run by the Central Statistics Office . History: title Botswana Population
Kaynak: Census in Botswana
Redistricting in Pennsylvania refers to the decennial process of redrawing legislative and Congressional districts in Pennsylvania .
Kaynak: Redistricting in Pennsylvania
addresses monthly (or 3 million per year It regularly gathers information previously contained only in the long form of the decennial census .
Kaynak: American Community Survey
The most visible role of the Census Bureau is to perform the official decennial (every 10 years) count of people living in the U.S. The
Kaynak: United States Census Bureau
The 2011 Census is the fifteenth decennial census, required by section 8 of the Constitution Act, 1867 As with other decennial censuses,
Kaynak: Canada 2011 Census
in response to population changes determined by the results of the decennial census In 34 states, the state legislature has primary
Kaynak: Redistricting

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