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definite ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

definite anlamı
1) kesin
2) belirli
3) kati
4) açık
5) şüphesiz
6) kuşkusuz
7) su götürmez

"definite" için örnek kullanımlar

And given a certain definite condition, I think it will be even better.
Ve belirli bir kesin durum göz önüne alındığında, bunun daha iyi olacağını düşünüyorum.
Kaynak: socialistworker.org
Forman said he doesn't have any definite plans for retirement.
Forman emekliliği için kesin planları olmadığını söyledi.
Kaynak: newarkadvocate.com
In mathematics , a definite quadratic form is a quadratic form over some real vector space V that has the same sign (always positive or
Kaynak: Definite quadratic form
In chemistry , the law of definite proportions, sometimes called Proust's Law, states that a chemical compound always contains exactly the
Kaynak: Law of definite proportions
In linear algebra , a symmetric n × n real matrix M is said to be positive definite if z T Mz is positive, for any non-zero column
Kaynak: Positive-definite matrix
Positive definiteness is a property of the following mathematical objects: Positive- definite bilinear form Positive-definite matrix
Kaynak: Positive definiteness
A definite description is a denoting phrase in the form of "the X" where X is a noun-phrase or a singular common noun . The definite
Kaynak: Definite description
In operator theory , a branch of mathematics , a positive definite kernel is a generalization of a positive-definite matrix .
Kaynak: Positive-definite kernel
In mathematics , the term positive-definite function may refer to a couple of different concepts. In dynamical systems : positive definite on a
Kaynak: Positive-definite function
A definite clause grammar (DCG) is a way of expressing grammar, either for natural or formal languages, in a logic programming language
Kaynak: Definite clause grammar
Given a function f of a real variable x and an interval a, b of the real line , the definite integral: int_a^b ! f(x),dx ,
Kaynak: Integral
Definite Article Reduction (DAR) is the term used in recent linguistic work to refer to the use of vowel -less forms of the definite article
Kaynak: Definite article reduction
Limited atonement (or definite atonement or particular redemption) is a doctrine accepted in some Christian theological traditions .
Kaynak: Limited atonement
In mathematics, and specifically in operator theory , a positive-definite function on a group relates the notions of positivity, in the
Kaynak: Positive-definite function on a group
In mathematics, the definite integral: int_a^b f(x), dx. is the area of the region in the xy-plane bounded by the graph of f, the x-axis,
Kaynak: List of definite integrals

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