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definitive ne demek?

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"definitive" için örnek kullanımlar

Definitive proof that taxes are more efficient than piracy.
Vergi korsanlığı daha verimli olduğu kesin kanıtıdır.
Kaynak: qz.com
Pinnacle reaches 'definitive agreement' to sell Atlantic City property for 30.6 million.
Pinnacle 30,6 milyon için Atlantic City mal satmak için 'kesin anlaşmaya' ulaşır.
Kaynak: menafn.com
The definitive book on the Benghazi debacle still needs to be written, and this isn't it.
Bingazi fiyaskosu üzerinde kesin kitap hala yazılması gerekiyor ve bu öyle değil.
Kaynak: washingtontimes.com
The definitive "Health & Fitness for Windsurfing" book.
Kesin "Sağlık ve Rüzgar Sörfü için Spor" kitabı.
Kaynak: surfertoday.com
A definitive stamp is a postage stamp that is part of a regular issue of a country's stamps (often referred to as a "regular issue")
Kaynak: Definitive stamp
The terminology of a definitive decree will usually make clear that this last condition is fulfilled, as through a formula such as "By the
Kaynak: Papal infallibility
The definitive urogenital sinus (also known as the persistent cloaca) is a part of the human body only present in the development of the
Kaynak: Definitive urogenital sinus
The Definitive Map is a record of public rights of way in England and Wales. In law it is the definitive record of where a right of way
Kaynak: Definitive Map
A Definitive Media Library is a secure Information Technology repository in which an organisation's definitive, authorised versions of
Kaynak: Definitive Media Library
A definitive software library (DSL) is a secure location, consisting of physical media or a software repository located on a network file
Kaynak: Definitive software library
Definitive postage stamps of Ireland are the regular series of definitive postage stamps issued by the Irish Free State between 1922 and
Kaynak: Definitive postage stamps of Ireland

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