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dejected ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

dejected anlamı
1) üzgün
2) keyifsiz
3) kederli
4) karamsar
5) neşesiz

"dejected" için örnek kullanımlar

Flipkens now serves for the first set with a dejected Azarenka looking on.
Flipkens artık görünümlü hüzünlü Azarenka ile ilk seti için hizmet vermektedir.
Kaynak: tennisearth.com
Much later, feeling dejected, he enquired why the Lord never showed up.
Rab gelmedi neden Çok daha sonra, üzgün hissetme, diye sordu.
Kaynak: ngrguardiannews.com
Breaking News: This performance is unacceptable, says dejected Clarke.
Son Dakika Haberi: Bu performansı kabul edilemez, keyifsiz Clarke diyor.
Kaynak: timesofindia.indiatimes.com
It tells the story of the dejected lawyer Lancelot Lamar, who murders his wife after discovering that he is not the father of her youngest
Kaynak: Lancelot (novel)
It recounts a discourse of the sage Vasistha to a young Prince Rama , during a period when the latter is in a dejected state.
Kaynak: Yoga Vasistha
His late years were tragic from 1910 when, crushed by the new Cinematograph, dejected and penniless, he threw the greater part of his
Kaynak: Charles-Émile Reynaud
The novel takes place in 'Bouville,' a town similar to Le Havre , and it concerns a dejected historian, who becomes convinced that
Kaynak: Nausea (novel)
Afterward Apollo, feeling dejected, only regained his presence of mind when Coronis' body was already aflame on a funeral pyre.
Kaynak: Coronis (mythology)
Ahab became deeply dejected at not being able to procure the vineyard. Returning to his palace, he collapsed with depression, lying on his
Kaynak: Naboth
They are normal human beings until they reach the age of thirty, at which time they become dejected. Upon reaching the age of eighty they
Kaynak: Struldbrug
This left the sons dejected and bitter, due to which they waged war against Daoud and his supporters; this led to a century of successive
Kaynak: Dawud of Kanem
The drama follows the journey of a dejected actor (Scott) as he searches for love after being discarded by his highflying girlfriend.
Kaynak: Little White Lie (TV drama)
The lovers are separated and the doctor, due to a misleading event, believes his sweetheart to be dead and resigns himself to a dejected
Kaynak: Tarana (1951 film)
These stories of this dejected, withdrawn generation who have led themselves to ruin have inspired many novels, films and songs in the
Kaynak: The Lost Generation (novel series)
driver Carl Edwards performing his trademark backflip, not once but twice in an attempt to cheer up a dejected Neil Everett in the kitchen.
Kaynak: This is SportsCenter
Krishnakant and Chandrika are dejected and ashamed of Sujata's behaviour. Sunaina tries to change Chandan's mind regarding their
Kaynak: Jiya Jale
Feeling dejected, he turns to leave, before being stopped by Vince and Howard, who convince him to perform a song about eels with them in
Kaynak: The Mighty Boosh (series 3)
Nor would it begin to explain their dramatic transformation from dejected and dispirited escapists into witnesses whom no opposition could
Kaynak: Stolen body hypothesis
Soham is dejected as he never expected Kalyani to ruin him so badly. Madhuri and Bhavesh go to a restaurant where they see a girl pleading
Kaynak: Dahhej
Kakoon is sad and dejected as the Sangeet ceremony of Rahul and Naina takes place. Episode 21: Whole sangeet atmosphere is going on everyone
Kaynak: Kya Dill Mein Hai Storylines

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