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dejection ne demek?

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İngilizce - Türkçe

dejection anlamı
1) üzüntü
2) keyifsizlik
3) dışkı
4) kaka

"dejection" için örnek kullanımlar

The same sense of dejection was evident in former MP Karl Gouder's voice.
Kederli aynı anlamda eski milletvekili Karl Gouder sesindeki belliydi.
Kaynak: timesofmalta.com
The Panthers made sure Thursday's game didn't end in dejection, though.
Panterler Perşembe günkü oyun olsa da, üzüntü içinde bitmeyen emin yaptı.
Kaynak: maysville-online.com
In the Ireland camp, meanwhile, there was nothing but raw dejection.
İrlanda kampında, bu arada, hiçbir şey ama çiğ üzüntü vardı.
Kaynak: scotsman.com
While her dejection was as understandable as it was evident, it was excessive.
O belliydi olarak ona üzüntü anlaşılabilir iken, aşırı oldu.
Kaynak: irishexaminer.com
In the Philokalia , the word dejection is used instead of sloth, for the person who falls into dejection will lose interest in life.
Kaynak: Sloth (deadly sin)
Sometimes it is mere passive joylessness and dreariness, discouragement, dejection, lack of taste and zest and spring. Professor Ribot has
Kaynak: Anhedonia
The term is a noun phrase made up of the Spanish words villa (village, small town) and miseria (misery, dejection), and was adopted from
Kaynak: Villa miseria
frustration traces to the late 15th century, and it first appears recorded in English as an emotional state of dejection in the middle 18th century
Kaynak: Disappointment
On the other hand, if the date is perceived negatively, then our emotions, as a result, might include dejection , sadness , emptiness , or
Kaynak: Appraisal theory
Alexander von Württemberg formed a paricularly close friendship with Nikolaus Lenau , who shared his dejection and depression.
Kaynak: Alexander of Württemberg (1801–1844)
In the background the father sits, head bowed, in a pose suggesting total dejection. He appears to be oblivious to the small child holding
Kaynak: A Family (painting)
while suffering from an inevitable dejection, choose to be rebels along the lines of the “Losers' Club” which they identify themselves with.
Kaynak: Losers' Tale
The concept of discrepancy theory explains the ultimate source of anxiety and dejection An individual, who has not fulfilled his
Kaynak: Job satisfaction

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