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demerit ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

demerit anlamı
1) uyarı
2) hata
3) kabahat
4) kusur
5) suçlanabilir davranış

"demerit" için örnek kullanımlar

The demerit system reprimands assembly representatives for missed meetings.
Cevapsız toplantılar için ceza sistemi kınamalar meclis temsilcisini.
Kaynak: dailyorange.com
I think the best thing we have done is the new demerit system for panel damage.
Ben yaptığımız en iyi şey paneli hasar yeni ceza sistemi olduğunu düşünüyorum.
Kaynak: ozracingwrap.com
Three demerit points will be deducted from their record if they pass the course.
Onlar ders geçerse üç ihtar puanı kendi rekorunu düşülecektir.
Kaynak: channelnewsasia.com
A demerit point system is one in which a driver's licensing authority , police force , or other organization issues cumulative demerits, or
Kaynak: Point system (driving)
In economics , a demerit good is a good or service whose consumption is considered unhealthy, degrading, or otherwise socially
Kaynak: Demerit good
While the demerit points have no official impact on insurance rates, most insurance providers will increase the rate charged to a driver
Kaynak: Driving licence in Canada
The Demerit Point System in Ontario: Demerit Point System for Driving Offences in Ontario. in demerit points recorded onto their driving records.
Kaynak: Traffic ticket
Next, the player is given a number of base demerit points, based on the type and level of his offence. The base demerit point totals are
Kaynak: AFL Tribunal
46 of 1998) is an act of the Parliament of South Africa which introduces a points demerit system for violations of traffic law .
Kaynak: Administrative Adjudication of Road Traffic Offences Act, 1998
com/news/article/whitecaps-sign-no-nonsense-us-veteran-demerit | title Whitecaps sign no-nonsense US veteran DeMerit | Major League Soccer
Kaynak: 2011 Vancouver Whitecaps FC season

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