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demonic ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

demonic anlamı
1) şeytani
2) kötü ruhlu
3) şeytanlı
4) cinli
5) uğursuz
6) deli

"demonic" için örnek kullanımlar

As a Catholic, one of my biggest fears has always been demonic possession.
Bir Katolik olarak, benim en büyük korkularından biri her zaman şeytani sahibi olmuştur.
Kaynak: policymic.com
In our country, yoga was described as demonic by the pope himself .
Ülkemizde, yoga papa tarafından şeytani olarak nitelendirildi.
Kaynak: timesofindia.indiatimes.com
Shelly gets possessed when a demonic force breaks through her window and abducts her.
Şeytani bir güç onu pencere ve kaçırır onun aracılığıyla kırıldığında Shelly sahip olur.
Kaynak: bloody-disgusting.com
It was the Hunters that ended up giving me nightmares, but they're demonic frogs, man.
Bana kabus vererek sona erdi Avcılar, ama onlar, insanın şeytani kurbağa sensin.
Kaynak: 411mania.com
a demon is considered an unclean spirit , more specifically an evil angel , which may cause demonic possession , calling for an exorcism .
Kaynak: Demon
The numerous demonic spirits were given charge over various parts of the human body, one for the head, one for the neck, and so on.
Kaynak: Demonology
true rulers, though powerful demon lords are able to gain enough power and influence to gain control over sizable armies of demonic creatures.
Kaynak: Demon (Dungeons & Dragons)
In mathematics , demonic composition is an operation on binary relation s which is somewhat comparable to ordinary composition of relations
Kaynak: Demonic composition

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