demonstrate against new constitutional amendments in Budapest.
Binlerce Budapeşte'de yeni anayasa değişikliklerini protesto.
Kaynak: bbj.huEgypt's fuel shortages
demonstrate perfect storm of economic pressures.
Mısır'ın yakıt sıkıntısı ekonomik baskıların fırtına göstermektedir.
Kaynak: egyptindependent.comPhysicists
demonstrate the acceleration of electrons by a laser in a vacuum.
Fizikçiler, bir vakum içinde bir lazer ile elektronların ivme göstermektedir.
Kaynak: newsroom.ucla.eduIndustry should
demonstrate adverse consequences of data transparency: EMIG.
Emig: Sanayi veri şeffaflığı olumsuz sonuçları göstermelidir.
Kaynak: pharmatimes.comDemonstration |
demonstrate |
demonstrated |
demonstrates |
demonstrating | demonstration | demonstrations Demonstration may refer to:
Kaynak: DemonstrationA proof of concept (POC) or a proof of principle is a realization of a certain method or idea to
demonstrate its feasibility or a
Kaynak: Proof of conceptReductio ad absurdum (Latin: "reduction to absurdity") is a common form of argument which seeks to
demonstrate that a statement is true by
Kaynak: Reductio ad absurdumIn law, standing or locus standi is the term for the ability of a party to
demonstrate to the court sufficient connection to and harm from
Kaynak: Standing (law)