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dentures ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

dentures anlamı
1) takma dişler

"dentures" için örnek kullanımlar

Please restore the dental benefits for dentures for seniors and disabled.
Yaşlılar ve bedensel engelliler için protez için diş faydaları geri lütfen.
Kaynak: californiahealthline.org
The staff offers extractions, dentures, partials, repairs and implants.
Personel çekimi, protez, partials, onarım ve implantlar sunmaktadır.
Kaynak: dentistryiq.com
She had no teeth in her bottom jaw, but wore dentures as her top teeth.
O onu alt çene dişleri yoktu, ama onun üst dişler olarak protez giydi.
Kaynak: tullahomanews.com
The victim had no bottom teeth, and wore a set of dentures as her top teeth.
Kurbanın hiçbir alt dişleri vardı ve onun üst dişler olarak protez bir set giydi.
Kaynak: newschannel5.com
Rather than lying entirely on the edentulous ridge like complete dentures , removable partial dentures possess clasps of metal or plastic
Kaynak: Removable partial denture
Dental technician , a person who makes dentures. Denturist or clinical dental technician, a person who makes dentures and fits them to
Kaynak: Dental prosthetist
An Akers' clasp is the classic direct retainer for removable partial dentures . Named after its inventor, Polk E. Akers , this suprabulge
Kaynak: Akers' clasp
Causes: Older dentures are more likely to be involved. Other factors include xerostomia (dry mouth),- diabetes - or a high carbohydrate
Kaynak: Denture-related stomatitis
district where the transportation of the dentures began, the district in which it ended, or any district through which the dentures passed.
Kaynak: United States v. Johnson (1944)
devices and aids that can be considered prosthetics include hearing aids , artificial eyes , palatal obturator , gastric bands , and dentures .
Kaynak: Prosthesis
These products include crowns, bridges, dentures and other dental products. Dental lab technicians follow a prescription from a licensed
Kaynak: Dental laboratory
It is associated with poor denture hygiene, denture overuse, and ill-fitting dentures. The exact cause of inflammatory papillary
Kaynak: Inflammatory papillary hyperplasia
Implant bars are a mix between dentures and implants . Unlike common dentures, a bar is implanted in the patient's mouth, and the denture
Kaynak: Implant bars
These are fixed prosthesis including crowns , bridges and implants ; removable prosthesis, including dentures and removable partial
Kaynak: Dental technician
dietary protein deficiency, poorly fitted dentures , or from mouth burns from hot food or drinks, toxic plants, or by conditions that
Kaynak: Stomatitis
broaden out This makes it initially difficult to fabricate both complete dentures and removable partial dentures for patients exhibiting
Kaynak: Edentulism
It is very extensive, including original writings by Sigmund Freud and a prototype of George Washington 's dentures , constructed from
Kaynak: New York Academy of Medicine

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