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denunciation ne demek?

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"denunciation" için örnek kullanımlar

PM slams Erdogan's 'dark, libelous' denunciation of Zionism.
Başbakan Erdoğan'ın 'karanlık, iftira "Siyonizm ihbar çarparak.
Kaynak: jpost.com
It begins, as my best sermons usually do, with an angry denunciation of the entire human race.
Benim en iyi vaazlar genellikle yapmak gibi tüm insan ırkının öfkeli bir ihbar ile, başlar.
Kaynak: sbsun.com
Alex's denunciation of Hal after she stumbles in on him gorging himself is heartbreaking stuff.
Hal Alex'in feshi o kendini gorging onun üzerine tökezledi sonra üzücü şeyler.
Kaynak: sfx.co.uk
PM slams Erdogan's denunciation of Zionism.
PM Siyonizm'in Erdoğan'ın ihbar çarparak.
Kaynak: jpost.com
L'Affaire des Fiches de délation (“affair of the cards of denunciation”) was a political scandal in France in 1904-1905 in which it was
Kaynak: Affaire Des Fiches
Latter-Day Pamphlets was a series of "pamphlet s" published by Thomas Carlyle in 1850, in vehement denunciation of what he believed to be
Kaynak: Latter-Day Pamphlets
First denunciation: In 1936, Shostakovich fell from official favour. The year began with a series of attacks on him in Pravda , in
Kaynak: Dmitri Shostakovich
(theme: denunciation of torture in French colonial Algeria ) Alexander Berkman , author of Prison Memoirs of an Anarchist .
Kaynak: List of memoirs of political prisoners
which envisaged the right of denunciation one year before the lapse of the five-year period of operation of the pact, the Soviet
Kaynak: Soviet–Japanese Neutrality Pact
popular music in 1965 His recordings employing electric instrument s attracted denunciation and criticism from others in the folk movement.
Kaynak: Bob Dylan
On April 9, 1476, an anonymous denunciation was left in the tamburo (letter box) in the Palazzo della Signoria (town hall) accusing him of
Kaynak: Jacopo Saltarelli
He is known for his eloquence in preaching and public speaking , his denunciation of abuse of authority by both ecclesiastical and
Kaynak: John Chrysostom
also a Confederate sympathizer, vehement in his denunciation of Lincoln, and strongly opposed the abolition of slavery in the United States .
Kaynak: John Wilkes Booth
Any Member may, at any time at which the Convention is subject to denunciation in accordance with the provisions of Article 16,
Kaynak: Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organise Convention

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